Traces and Prospects of Literary Text Translators
Traces and Prospects of Literary Text Translators

Penerjemahan Teks Sastra 1

Literary texts not only captivate with their beauty, but also present unique challenges for translators. In an effort to broaden the horizons of this profession, the 6th semester students of the Tarjamah study program held a seminar that explored the latest prospects in the world of literary translation, with the theme “Translation of Literary Texts in the Age of Digitalization: Opportunities and Challenges”. The seminar, which was held offline in the theater room of Prof. Dr. Roelan Abdul Ghani Lt.5 FAH Building and open to the public, also invited the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, S.Ag., S.s., M.Hum., CIQnR, Vice Dean II for Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH), Prof. Usep Abdul Matin, Ph.D., Head of Tarjamah Study Program, Prof. Dr. Darsita S, M.Hum, and the entire academic community of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities. No less important, this seminar was presented by translation experts in the field of literature as well as lecturers of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, namely Prof. Sukron Kamil, M. Ag and Dr. Karlina Helmanita, M. Ag.

The seminar began with the opening by the Master of Ceremony (MC), Recitation of the Holy Qur'an, Singing the Indonesia Raya Song and UIN Hymn, then continued with remarks.

Prof. Dr. Darsita S, M.Hum, as the Head of Tarjamah Study Program, conveyed the urgency of the role of Arabic translators, “Arabic is the official language in the UN and OIC, after English. So this Arabic language is also very important to learn, therefore, Tarjamah Study Program is here to support the development of Arabic in various fields”.

After the speech, the seminar continued with a poetry reading performed by one of the Tarjamah Study Program students, Siti Zainab, with the title “Al-'Aduwwu” by Mahmud Darwish. This poem tells about the fate of Palestinian refugees, then the appearance of the results of the work of translating literary texts of 6th semester students of Tarjamah Study Program.

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The first material was delivered by Prof. Sukron Kamil, M. Ag. He explained about the meaning of literary works, told the famous literary works and translations and their characters. One of them is that he tells about the origin of the name petruk and the world of puppetry that enters into literary works, In addition, it is also explained about the difference between adaptations and literary works. Prof. Sukron emphasized that, “Literary works are more focused on Naqlul Afkar (Transfer of Thought) than just Naqlul Lughah (Transfer of Language), because literature is an art that uses language as a means of expression. And to create quality literature, it is important to follow market trends, apply the theory of literary extensity, deeply understand the text and master popular translated novels to pursue success”. Furthermore, Prof. Sukron argued that research in translated literature can be one of the ways to explore the world without having to spend a lot of money.

Followed by the second material presented by Dr. Karlina Helmanita, M. Ag. She conveyed the journey of the literary text translation course, introducing the characters of children's stories and Arabic literature, and the challenges in translating literary works. She emphasized that, “the translation of literary texts is able to create new opportunities for the field of translation, such as translator services, interpreneurs, publishers, etc. So this seminar can be used as a place to express and explore and expand on the future of translation students”.

In a brief interview with Muhammad Sarbini, as the chief organizer of the seminar, said “I hope that this seminar can make the Tarjamah study program known throughout Indonesia, even throughout the world”.