The research program in collaboration with LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is an important initiative that integrates research and community service resources to address social, educational, and cultural challenges in the area around the university. The program has several distinctive features
Knowledge Based Collaboration
The program brings together researchers and academics from the Faculties of Adab and Humanities with the LPPM team. They collaborate to design research that is relevant and beneficial to society.
Applied Research
The main focus of the program is to conduct applied research that can provide concrete solutions to problems in the surrounding community. This research often integrates academic insights with the actual needs of the community.
Curriculum Development
The program focuses on developing the education curriculum at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities. The research results are used to improve the quality of learning and education in the faculty.
Capacity Development
The program aims to build the capacity of local communities and stakeholders through training, workshops and knowledge-sharing meetings.
Student Research Development
The program provides opportunities for students to engage in research relevant to their field of study. This opportunity offers valuable experience and helps develop their research skills.
Lecturer Publications
Komposisi bahasa Indonesia
978-602-19751-5-2Al-Qaamus fi Al-I’rab
978-602-7908-01-7Embun di ujung daun catatan kuliah di Universitas Kehidupan
978-602-7908-04-8Al-Syayyid aidrus al-jufri syair al-mahjar
978-602-7908-05-5Pengembara makrifat
978-602-7908-06-2Al Muhawarah al yaumiyyah
978-602-7908-10-9Kembara makrifat
978-602-7908-09-30 km : puisi perjalanan, kepedulian, realitas
978-602-7908-08-6Islam and identity of Southeast Asian Languages and cultures
978-602-7908-13-0Sayap-sayap pemimpi di langit Tapos 1
978-602-7908-12-3Kontribusi FAH untuk bangsa : memotret dunia membangun peradaban
978-602-7908-14-7Retorika dakwah Da’i di Indonesia : kajian stilistika dalam sastra Arab
978-602-7908-15-4Penguatan kelembagaan untuk pengelolaan program magister
978-602-7908-17-8Lentera kata : doa-doa qur’ani
978-602-7908-16-1Dirasah tathabiqiyah muyassarah fii ‘ilm al-‘arudh wa al qawafi
978-602-7908-18-5Anti qishshati hubbiy = Kaulah cerita cintaku
978-602-7908-19-2Pengelolaan arsip keagamaan pada masjid bersejarah di Indonesia
978-602-7908-20-8Memetik buah nasihat di taman