The 135th graduation and commencement ceremony "Innovative and Competitive Generation of SDGs Pillars in the Global Era"
The 135th graduation and commencement ceremony "Innovative and Competitive Generation of SDGs Pillars in the Global Era"

South Tangerang, FAH News Online - 20 February 2025 - Prospective Graduates of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta attended the 135th Undergraduate Judiciary. This event was held in the Abdul Ghani Theatre Room on the 5th floor of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) on Thursday, February 20, 2025,

The 135th graduation ceremony carried the theme "Innovative and Competitive Generation as Pillars of SDGs in the Global Era." This event symbolized the release of prospective alumni who had successfully completed their studies on time.

The ceremony was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M. Hum, CIQnR; Vice Dean 1 for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ida Farida, MLIS; Vice Dean 2 for General Administration, Dr. Siti Amsariah, M.Ag; and other academicians.

The event commenced with an opening by the master of ceremonies, followed by the recitation of holy verses from the Qur'an and prayers, creating a solemn atmosphere. The proceedings continued with the reading of the dean's decree regarding the determination of the participants of the undergraduate 1 and undergraduate 2 graduation programs by Dr. Siti Amsariah, M.Ag. This was followed by the mention of the names of the graduation participants, along with their cumulative grade point averages (GPA), by each study program head.

In his remarks, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M.Hum., CIQnR, congratulated the graduates and advised them to always maintain the spirit of their alma mater, carry out the vision and mission of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities wherever they work, and make the knowledge gained during their study period more useful after graduation.

Furthermore, the decree of the dean of the faculty regarding the determination of the best candidates for graduates of study programs and the best candidates for undergraduate and postgraduate graduates of the 135th Faculty of Adab and Humanities at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta stated that the title of the best graduates of the Arabic Language and Literature study program was achieved by Muhammad Rafi Al-Hafidz; Misla Safitri from Islamic History and Civilisation; Muhammad Ikhsanul Majid from Tarjamah; Adi Setiawan from English Language and Literature; and Aksal Naufal Mahdi from Library Science, who also holds the title of best graduate candidate at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities at the 135th judicium.

" Congratulations to all of you for graduating and reaching this stage. This is not the end but a new beginning in our lives, and I hope you all pursue your own path in life without being influenced by the expectations of others," said Aksal Naufal Mahdi in his speech as the best graduate candidate of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities at the 135th graduation ceremony.

At the end of the event, the keynote speaker, Deni Gunawan Susandi, SS, M.Hum, provided material related to the theme of the 135th graduation, namely "Innovative and Competitive Generation of SDGs Pillars in the Global Era." He shared his experience as the Head of the Center for Human Resources and Personal Ability Development (PPSDMKD) and offered motivation regarding the importance of graduate readiness in facing the world of work in the global era. He was accompanied by a moderator, Akhmad Zakky, M.Hum, a lecturer in the English Literature study program at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities.

Author: Dewi Nurfajriyah Miftakhul Jannah

Translator: Aulia Farihah

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