Supporting the Transformation of Islamic Literacy in the Digital Era: HMPS Library Science Together with the Istiqlal Library Holds a Seminar
Supporting the Transformation of Islamic Literacy in the Digital Era: HMPS Library Science Together with the Istiqlal Library Holds a Seminar

Sawah Besar, FAH News Online- Istiqlal Mosque Library Seminar : Transformation of Islamic Literacy in the Digital Era “Use of Al and Digital Libraries" is a collaborative seminar between HMPS Library Science and the Istiqlal Library. This activity was the beginning of a form of cooperation between the two parties to hold a seminar.

The activity, which was held at the Istiqlal Library on February 27 2025, with a duration of 09.00-12.00, was attended by 100+ people consisting of various groups ranging from UIN students and students from other universities, KILMI (Istiqlal Mosque Literacy Community, RDKI (Rohis SMA and SMK DKI Jakarta), and the general public. In carrying out this seminar activity, HMPS Library Science also received support from several parties, namely Dr. Abdul Rosyid Teguhdin, M.Pd as Head of the Istiqlal Mosque Library and Mr Bangkit A. Wijaya as Founder & Chief Executive Officer of PT CAKRA BERKAH REJEKINDO

Seminar with the theme Transformation of Islamic Literacy in the Digital Era “Utilization of Al and Digital Libraries". Bringing 2 presenters who are lecturers and alumni of the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Library Science Study Program, from our first presenter and lecturer named Mr. Muhammad Azwar, M.Hum. In his session moderated by Aulia Zahra he presented three aspects, namely, first understanding the importance of studying Islam with correct understanding, Understanding the Use of AI in studying Islam and preaching, Understanding how AI works and ethics in its use. He also advised not to trust AI 100% because there is a possibility that AI can misunderstand religion, secondly ensuring a trusted source of AI answers, thirdly using AI for good, not for hoaxes or slander, and fourthly using AI as a tool, not as a scholar.

The second speaker is an alumnus of the Library Science Study Program, namely Mr. Firly Hidayat, S.IP as Executive of the Islamic Literature Sub-Directorate. In the speaker session, Mr. Firly Hidayat, moderated by Cahya Adinda S. He introduced the audience to Digital libraries and Electronic Literacy Islamic Religious Library or what is called “ELIPSKI”. In its explanation, ELIPSKI is a digital-based Islamic religious library site which is part of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia under the auspices of the Directorate General of Islamic Community Guidance.

In delivering the material, Mr. Firly Hidayat also conveyed the advantages that ELIPSKI has as a digital library site, namely offering our needs, especially Muslims, with accessible services such as Islamic digital books that can be read and downloaded, Friday sermon manuscripts with various themes every week, and there are various services such as Synchronize SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System), assistance with mosque library funds, assistance with Islamic religious books Publishers and Individuals, as well as assistance with Islamic religious books.

This seminar ended with a prize giving session to audiences who were active during the seminar activities, in the form of a gift from HMPS Library Science, as well as additional book giving by Mr. Firly Hidayat. This event is expected to apply Islam to the use of AI, as well as introduce a wide audience to digital libraries and one example is ELIPSKI. With this seminar, the Head of the Istiqlal Library, Dr. Abdul Rosyid Teguhdin, M.Pd gave the message that “The rise of Muslims begins with the awakening of young people from their sleep by opening their eyes to read (literacy) as in the Iqra’ verse, the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) is born from the power of literacy. With the implementation of the Istiqlal library literacy seminar, it can open the tap to the success of Islamic youth to achieve their goals”.

Author: Muhammad Gilang Ramadhan and Alifia Azizah Nugroho
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