Skill Development Program

Skill Development Program
Skill Development Program, is an organization of specialization and organization that houses the interests and talents of students of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta. Humanities UIN Jakarta.

The Autonomous Institute of Practical Librarians or abbreviated as PUSTIKUM is an organization that accommodates students of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the field of librarianship. librarianship. The purpose of this institution is so that students can practice their theory in real life and improve their librarianship skills. skills in librarianship. The existence of this institution is expected that students will gain experience through learning, increase their capabilities, and produce librarian services that are useful for themselves and their environment. environment.

Pusaka is an organization that was established on March 22, 2021 and still exists today. still exists today. PUSAKA focuses on the archival field with the aim of being a place of learning and a means of practicing archival science directly by students of the Faculty of Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta.

DIADABIN is an autonomous institution engaged in the production of art, audio visual, graphics, and cinematography with the aim of building an ecosystem of students of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to be able to create intellectual property. property. DIADABIN hopes to be able to accommodate, and facilitate students of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities in improving their skills to be able to innovate, create their skills to be able to innovate, create intellectual property that is relevant to the latest developments in the industry.

VARLOG is an Skill Development Program that exists in the student environment. students with a focus on skill development (VARiable) in the field of Information Technology (IT). The main objective of this Skill Development Program (LO) is to encourage the exchange of knowledge and skills among the skills among the student members who have an interest and passion in Information Technology (IT).

ARTEFAH is an Skill Development Program engaged in the arts, culture, literature, and music. ARTEFAH Skill Development Program aims to accommodate students or students of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities to develop their interests and talents in the fields of art, culture, literature, and music. to develop their interests and talents in the fields of art, culture, literature and music.