HIMLA, G-meet - Halaqah ‘Ilmiyah li Muhibbi Lughah al-Arabiyah (HIMLA) remains steadfast in holding Nahwu learning activities via online G-meet, these activities are held on Wednesday nights from 20.00 – 21.00. This activity has been carried out twice, namely, on January 7 and January 14. This activity takes place once a week and is attended by HIMLA members and is also open to the public.

At the first meeting of the Nahwu class, it was filled with presenters, Dr. Cahya Buana, MA as the supervisor of HIMLA as well as a lecturer in Arabic Language and Literature who was moderated by sister Ittaqi Tafuzi Sahara, a student of Arabic Language and Literature and a member of HIMLA 24 who discussed the number of Fi'liyah.

Meanwhile, the second meeting which took place on January 14 was attended by one of the Arabic Language Education lecturers, Mr. Dr. Ahmad Royani, S. Ag, M. Hum and accompanied by moderator Azkia Aulia Rahma, a student of Al-Quran Science and Tafsir, as well as a member of HIMLA 24 which discusses Nakiroh and Ma'rifat.

This activity really received a response from both HIMLA members and general members, this was proven by the number of participants attending each meeting reaching 50-60 people. They are very enthusiastic about taking part in the activities held by the HIMLA organization, because this activity can help them understand Arabic grammar, especially in the field of Nahwu science.

Siti Khofifatunnisa, a member of HIMLA and a student of Arabic Language and Literature in the 2nd semester, was very enthusiastic about taking part in this activity in the middle of her semester holiday, “even though it was a holiday, this meeting was also really exciting, the learning was even more enthusiastic”, he said in the gform link that the management had created. Apart from that, Muhammad Nafidz Santino also responded to this activity, “this activity was very useful and received many new mufrodats”, he said.

This activity was closed with documentation and giving certificates to presenters, hopefully this activity can continue to be carried out and we from the management hope that HIMLA members and the general public can take many benefits from holding this activity.

Author: Zainul Farihin, HIMLA Management 2024-2025

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