Mutiara Ramadhan FAH UIN Jakarta Program in the Month of Ramadan
South Tangerang, FAH Online News – After preparing the Mutiara Ramadhan program last February as a special series during the holy month, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has now successfully broadcast 17 episodes via the YouTube channel “FAH UIN JAKARTA” every day at 8.30 WIB. This program presents lecturers and academics from FAH themselves or externally as tausiah fillers with various inspiring themes that invite viewers to deepen the meaning of Ramadan.
To date, the Mutiara Ramadhan program has presented various resource persons with interesting themes, including:
- Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, S.Ag., S.S., M.Hum – Hikmah Perintah Berpuasa
- Prof. Usep Abdul Matin, S.Ag, M.A, M,A, Ph.D – Ramadhan Penuh Cinta
- Dr. Siti Amsariah, M.Ag – Anugrah Bagi Orang Berpuasa Ramadhan
- Zubair, M.Ag – Shiyam Membentuk Ahsanu Taqwim
- Prof. Dr. Darsita Suparno, M.Hum – Bergembira Menyambut Ramadhan
- Dr. Zakiya Darojat, M.A. – Puasa Momentum Menata Ruang Batin
- Ali Hasan Al-Bahar, M.A – Menjaga Lisan dan Hati, Menebar Kedamaian di Bulan Suci
- Prof. Dr. Didin Saepudin, M.A. – Menjejak Syurga dengan Spirit Ramadhan
- Prof. Dr. Ahchmad Satori – Kesempatan untuk Memperbaiki Diri di Bulan Ramadhan
- Husni T, M.A – Keutamaan Berinfak di Bulan Ramadhan
- Siti Sa,adah, M.Ag – Ramadhan Bulan Mustajab
- Nurhasan, S.Ag., M.A – Kenali Godaan di Bulan Ramadhan
- Fu'ad Jabali, M.A – Ramadhan sebagai Bulan Jihad
- Hj. Tati Hartimah, M.A. – Membangun Generasi Taqwa
- Hendra Naufan, ST, M.Pd – Mulia dengan Al-Qur’an
- Dr. Johan Wahyudi, M.Hum – Urgensi LIterasi di Bulan Ramadhan
- Mugy Nugraha, M.Si – Meniru Akhlak Tuhan
Ramadan as a Time for Improvement
In each episode, this program discusses many important themes related to Ramadan. At the beginning of the episode we discuss the wisdom and essence of fasting as explained in the Koran. Dr. Ade Abdul Hak discusses the command to fast as a form of spiritual practice that leads humans to perfect piety. Meanwhile, the importance of welcoming Ramadan with joy, so that worship is maximized for spiritual life, was conveyed by Prof. Dr. Darsita Suparno, M. Hum.
Several interlocutors emphasized on several occasions that Ramadan is a month full of blessings that can be a momentum for self-improvement. Prof. Usep Abdul Matin said that Ramadan is a month of love, where love and empathy for others are the main values in carrying out worship. Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Ahchmad Satori invites the audience to take advantage of Ramadan as a golden opportunity to improve themselves, both spiritually and socially.
Not only that, Nurhasan, S.Ag., MA discussed the various temptations that arise during Ramadan and how to deal with them so that worship is maintained. Dr. Fu'ad Jabali also reminded that Ramadan is a month of jihad, not only in the sense of physical struggle but also jihad against lust and improving one's quality.
Ramadan Practices and the Virtues of Piety
The virtue of donating is included in the discussion regarding the main practices that can be carried out during Ramadan, which are discussed directly by M. Husni T, MA, where it is also explained that every good thing done this month will be multiplied in reward. Dra was also reminded of the efficacy of prayer when in the month of Ramadan. Siti Sa'adah so that praying more and asking for forgiveness becomes a highly recommended practice.
Apart from that, Prof. Dr. Didin Saepudin said that the spirit of Ramadan can be a way to heaven by increasing worship and improving relationships with Allah and others. Not only that, but Ramadan is also a golden opportunity to build a devout generation, by instilling Islamic values in children from an early age as conveyed by Dr. Hj. Tati Hartimah, MA.
Improving the Quality of Ramadan through Knowledge and Morals
Apart from the spiritual aspect, several episodes also highlight the importance of knowledge and morals in carrying out Ramadan. As stated by Hendra Naufan, ST, M.Pd. who raised how the Koran is the main guide for Muslims and invited the audience to increase their recitations during Ramadan. Likewise with the urgency of literacy, reading and understanding various Islamic books can enrich a person's spiritual insight.
The Mutiara Ramadhan program then also invites viewers to imitate God's morals, by instilling the values of compassion, justice and wisdom in everyday life, this was conveyed by Mugy Nugraha, M.Si. This program was also delivered by someone who is quite well known to many people, namely Ali Hasan Al-Bahar. Lc., MA, apart from being a missionary, is also a teacher at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities in the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program. He emphasized his decision to guard his tongue and heart, so that Ramadan can truly be a month that brings peace to oneself and others.
Audience Enthusiasm and Program Sustainability
The Mutiara Ramadhan program is relatively new, especially at FAH, but enthusiasm for this program was welcomed positively with a large number of viewers on the FAH UIN Jakarta YouTube channel. The Islamic narratives presented by FAH academics not only deepen religious understanding, but also provide scientific and academic perspectives regarding Ramadan worship..
This program will continue until the end of Ramadan, presenting more studies that inspire and deepen the meaning of worship for Muslims. Viewers from students to lecturers, both within the scope of FAH and UIN Jakarta, can watch each episode directly on YouTube FAH UIN Jakarta every 08.30 WIB