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Arabic Language and Literature Master

In 2024, to become a leading master program in Southeast Asia through the integration and contextualization of Arabic language and literature with Islamic and Indonesian values.

  1. Organizing education creatively and innovatively in scientific, Islamic, and Indonesian development.
  2. Organizing excellent research for scientific development, social transformation, and increasing the nation's competitiveness.
  3. Organizing community service, conducting cooperation and creating higher education governance in a professional, accountable and transparent organizational culture.


Programme Learning Outcome

  1. Able to develop logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking in their field of expertise through scientific research and the preparation of scientific conceptions and the results of their studies based on scientific rules, procedures, and ethics in the form of a thesis.
  2. Able to conduct academic validation or studies according to their field of expertise in solving problems in society or relevant industries through the development of their knowledge and expertise.
  3. Able to compile and communicate ideas, results of scientific thinking and arguments responsibly and based on academic ethics, through the media to the academic community and the wider community.
  4. Able to identify the scientific fields of Arabic language, Arabic literature, and Nusantra Islamic manuscripts as objects of research and position them into a research map developed through an inter or multi-disciplinary approach.
  5. Able to make decisions in the context of solving science development problems based on analytical studies of information and data related to the fields of Arabic language, Arabic literature, and Nusantara Islamic manuscripts.
  6. Able to manage, develop and maintain work networks with colleagues, peers within the institution and the wider research community.
  7. Able to manage to improve learning capacity independently.
  8. Able to document, store, secure, and retrieve research data to ensure validity and avoid plagiarism.
  9. Able to utilize information technology media for the purposes of studying and developing the fields of Arabic language and literature as well as Nusantara literature.
  10. Able to collaborate with various parties in academic activities and scientific research related to Arabic language and literature and ancient manuscripts of the archipelago.
  11. Able to adapt and develop science and technology to new concepts and methods in the context of integration and contextualization of science with Islamic and Indonesian values with a more innovative and tested approach.

  1. Able to apply linguistic theories and other disciplines in Arabic language studies
  2. Able to apply literary theories and other disciplines in the study of Arabic literature
  3. Able to apply philological theories and other disciplines in the study of Nusantara Islamic manuscripts.
  4. Able to make comparisons between Arabic and other languages, especially local languages of the archipelago
  5. Able to make comparisons between Arabic literature and other literature
  6. Able to apply Islamic perspectives in the study of Arabic language, Arabic literature, and Nusantara Islamic manuscripts
  7. Able to conduct a study of policy or policy implementation in the field of Nusantara language, literature and manuscript studies
  8. Able to manage academic activities in the field of Arabic language and literature and Islamic Nusantara manuscripts independently or in groups.

  1. Pious to God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude.
  2. Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics.
  3. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics.
  4. Play a role as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation.
  5. respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others.
  6. contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and progress of civilization based on Pancasila. civilization based on Pancasila;
  7. work together and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment;
  8. law-abiding and disciplined in social and state life;
  9. internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship;
  10. show an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently;
  11. have sincerity, commitment, sincerity to develop the attitudes, values, and abilities of others based on the values of local wisdom and noble character and have the motivation to act for the benefit of society in general.

  1. Mastering linguistic theories for Arabic language studies
  2. master literary theories for the study of Arabic literature
  3. Mastering philological theories for the study of Nusantara Islamic manuscripts
Academic Achievement
  1. Academic 1
  2. Academic 2
  3. Academic 3
Non-Academic Achievements
  1. Non-Academic 1
Admission Criteria



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