Master of Islamic History and Culture (MSKI) Study Program Collaborates with Iran on Wali Songo Research
Master of Islamic History and Culture (MSKI) Study Program Collaborates with Iran on Wali Songo Research

On May 29, 2024, MSKI FAH UIN Jakarta collaborated with the Islamic Science and Cultural Academy, Iran in organizing an International Webinar. The webinar took the theme the Role of Walisongo in the Religious and Cultural Interactions Between Iran and Indonesia in the 15th Centuries. At the event, the head of the Theology Program of the Islamic Science and Cultural Academy, Iran directly became the Moderator and led the discussion. Dean of FAH UIN Jakarta, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M.Hum representing the Rector gave an extraordinary speech. He said that international research collaboration is one of the visions and missions of UIN Jakarta.


Not only that, the director of the Sufism Study Program at Khatam Al Nabiin Institute of Higher Education Iran, Prof. Vahid Haj Aghazadeh. He said that the relationship between Indonesia and Iran is very strong, especially in culture. 

At the event, Prof. Amirul Hadi, Ph.D. a professor of the History of Islamic Civilization represented researchers from MSKI FAH UIN Jakarta who raised the theme History, Memory And Conversion: Some Notes On Walisongo Of Java, Indonesia. Prof. Amir stated in his research that historiographically, the study of Walisongo lacks reliable sources. Local (indigenous) works are less corroborated by chronological information, palace-oriented, historical data mixed and overshadowed by legends and myths. This means that existing research on Walisongo has not been presented with strong primary sources.

As a counterweight, Madam Maryam Sahaf, a researcher of History and Civilization, Iran, discussed Wali Songo: some heroes in the fild of spreading Islam in Indonesia. In her research, she explains a brief introduction to one of the Walisongo figures, Maulana Malik and his method of proselytizing Islam in Indonesia.


In this Webinar event, Prof. Amelia Fauzia, Ph.D., Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M), UIN Syarif Hidayatullah also confirmed that research that has been conducted in Indonesia on Walisongo has not presented clear primary sources. The professor of the History of Islamic Civilization also said that he strongly supports research collaboration on Walisongo between Indonesia and Iran with the latest methodology and valid sources so that the findings can be academically accounted for.

At the end of the webinar, Dr. Maudlotun Nisa' as the Secretary of the MSKI FAH UIN Jakarta Study Program on behalf of the committee of this Webinar event expressed his gratitude for this collaboration for other ongoing collaborations, especially on Iranian and Indonesian culture.

(Hilya Maylaffayza/ Gilang Alfaris/ Mauidlotun Nisa')