LPDP Scholarship for MSKI Students: Check out the Tips and Requirements!
LPDP Scholarship for MSKI Students: Check out the Tips and Requirements!

South Tangerang, FAH News Online - The registration for the selection of the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) Scholarship has just been completed. This prestigious scholarship opens opportunities for students to continue their studies with full funding from the government. In an exclusive interview with Mauidlotun Nisa, M.Hum. Secretary of Master's Program in Islamic History and Culture Dr. Ir, one of the interviewers for the LPDP LoA acceptance, various stages in obtaining this scholarship were explained.

According to Mauidlotun Nisa, there are several pathways to receive the LPDP scholarship. Some students have been accepted at universities first, then submit a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) before applying for LPDP. There are also those who apply for LPDP first through the Academic Potential Test (TPA), and after being declared qualified, they are given 1-2 years to find a suitable university. In addition, there are students who have undergone lectures, then apply for LoA to universities before applying for LPDP.

The Importance of LoA in LPDP Selection

LoA is an important factor in LPDP selection because it can replace academic and scholastic tests. However, not all students who have been accepted at universities automatically get LoA. Additional selection at the faculty level is still carried out to ensure the eligibility of scholarship recipients.

Based on information from the official LPDP website https://lpdp.kemenkeu.go.id/en/beasiswa/umum/beasiswa-reguler-2025/, LPDP scholarships will include Education Funds and Support Funds. Educational funds include: Registration Fund, SPP/Tuition Fee Fund/Single Tuition Fee, Book Allowance Fund, Thesis/Dissertation Research Fund, International Seminar Fund and International Journal Publication Fund, while Support Funds include: Transportation Fund, Visa Application Fund, Health Insurance Fund, Arrival Fund, Monthly Living Fund, International Competition Fund, Family Allowance Fund (Doctoral only) and Emergency Fund (if necessary)

LPDP Scholarship Recipients at MSKI

In 2022, MSKI accepted 20 students who received the LPDP Indonesia Bangkit Scholarship (BIB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The LPDP BIB Scholarship or LPDP-Kemenag is a prestigious scholarship scheme in collaboration with the LPDP and the Indonesian Ministry of Religion for Indonesians who want to develop careers, experience, and campus networks at home and abroad. Through formal degree and non-degree education. In that year, students apply through selection at the Ministry of Religious Affairs without having to take an entrance test at UIN. BIB LPDP Scholarship is a collaboration between LPDP and Kemenag to support career development and academic experience at home and abroad.

In 2023, MSKI again admitted five students who received the LPDP BIB, while in 2024 there were no admissions. However, in 2025, one MSKI student managed to get an LPDP scholarship. Several lecturers of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) were also listed as recipients of LPDP scholarships to continue their studies in America, Germany, and other countries. In fact, several FAH lecturers also became interviewers in the LPDP selection at the central level.

Successful Strategies for Getting LoA and LPDP Scholarship

Mauidlotun Nisa emphasized that in addition to having a high Grade Point Average (GPA) and a good TOEFL score, confidence during the interview is also the key to success in getting LoA. Many students who have good academic grades, but are less convincing during the interview so they fail to get a scholarship.

"When you are confident in your scholastic and language skills, also prepare logic, Academic Potential Test (TPA), and adjust to the available LPDP scholarship programs, such as santri or regular scholarships. In addition, get recommendations from relevant figures or academics, prepare a strong essay, and show the real contribution you can make to the nation," he said.

He also added that failing a selection is not the end of the world. "If you fail once, don't despair. Try again and prepare yourself better," he concluded.

With the various opportunities and strategies that have been explained, students of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities are expected to prepare themselves more thoroughly in facing the LPDP selection and contribute to the advancement of education in Indonesia.

Author: Princess Yasmin Azzahra

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