Innovative and Competitive Generations: Pillars of the SDGs in the Global Era
Innovative and Competitive Generations: Pillars of the SDGs in the Global Era

Author: Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M. Hum., CIQnR

Dean of FAH UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Graduation is an important momentum for graduates of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta to enter a new phase in their academic and professional journey. As part of the humanities-based academic community, graduates have a strategic role in responding to global challenges with a broader, critical and solution perspective. In the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), expertise in the fields of language, literature, history, civilization and library science is an important asset in creating social innovation and building a global reputation.

In the digital era and globalization, innovation in the humanities is very necessary to bridge cross-cultural understanding, strengthen national identity, and build a more inclusive and tolerant society. FAH UIN Jakarta graduates have a role in developing contextual historical studies, translating and adapting world literary works, as well as developing information systems and libraries that support broader access to knowledge (Quality Education). Sensitivity to social and cultural dynamics also enables them to create solutions on issues of diversity and religious moderation.

Apart from innovation, global competitiveness is a major challenge for graduates of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities. Mastery of foreign languages, data-driven research skills and digital literacy are important factors in strengthening their position in the international world of work and academia. With these skills, graduates can contribute to cultural diplomacy, creative industries based on literature and history, as well as the development of digital libraries that support global educational transformation. The ability to write and think critically is also a strong capital in facing the increasingly complex and dynamic information era.

However, competitiveness is not only measured from academic aspects, but also from work ethic, integrity and contribution to sustainable development. FAH UIN Jakarta graduates are expected to be able to utilize their knowledge in creating broader social change. The study of civilization and Islamic thought, for example, can serve as a reference in building narratives of diversity and peace (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions). In addition, the role of librarians and information scientists in promoting public literacy contributes to improving access to education and science.

Global partnerships are also an important factor in building the academic reputation of FAH UIN Jakarta graduates. Involvement in international conferences, cross-border research collaboration, as well as participation in global academic programs will strengthen their position in the international scientific community. In addition, job opportunities in the international cultural, media and academic sectors are increasingly open to those with global competencies. Therefore, graduates must continue to develop extensive professional and academic networks in order to have a greater impact.

As part of an innovative generation, FAH UIN Jakarta graduates are also encouraged to contribute to the humanities-based creative industry. The development of educational content based on history and literature, the translation of important works into various languages, as well as the management of digital archives are some examples of the role that can be taken in today's digital ecosystem. With creativity and the use of technology, they can create new opportunities in the fields of literacy, culture and information.

In the end, graduates of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities at UIN Jakarta have a big responsibility in bringing intellectual and humanities values to the global level. With the knowledge they have acquired, they become not only excellent academics and professionals, but also agents of change capable of contributing to creating a more just, inclusive and sustainable society. Graduation is not the end of the journey, but the beginning of a great mission to create a better world through science, culture and civilization.

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