Theater FAH. The management of the Islamic History and Civilization Study Program Student Association (HMPS) for the 2024-2025 period held a History Seminar with the theme “Understanding History Through Cultural Heritage and Arts”. The activity was held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at the Abdul Ghani theater room, Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The event began with the performance of the “ya saman” dance represented by SPI 3rd semester students Huriyyah Nabilla, Mandharisty Zachra, and Siti Rahmatul Ainiyah. Furthermore, the MCs namely: Nur Azizah and Satria Adiguna opened the event, followed by Tilawatil Qur'an read by Muhammad Farhan Maizar. Furthermore, the participants were asked to sing Indonesia Raya and UIN Hymn, guided by Fazkia Cahya Azzahra as the conductor. Siti Novaliani as the chief executive gave a speech: that this theme was raised to preserve Indonesian culture and invite students to understand history through cultural heritage and art. Chairperson of the History and Islamic Civilization study program Dr. Zakiya Darojat, M.A, in her speech said: The organization of this seminar is one of our efforts as historians to preserve cultural heritage, because cultural heritage is one of the historical evidence.

The Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, S. Ag., S.S., M.Hum., CIQnR in his remarks said that this seminar is one of the relevant topics to explore the role of cultural heritage and art, when looking at existing historical evidence we can take the meaning stored, as well as existing cultural and artistic heritage, for example: we can take lessons on how batik art illustrates its meaning, how Borobudur temple takes a role for Indonesian society etc.. Finally, the Dean hopes that this event will bring blessings to all of us.

In the first session with speakers by Mu'tashimbillah S.S guided by Yola Dewi Saputri as moderator. Mu'tashimbillah, who is part of the cultural heritage expert team, delivered material with the theme Cultural Heritage to understand the Doors of History, saying: cultural heritage is a relic that is material in nature. The commission for collecting relics has existed since colonial times precisely in 1901 in the form of monuments, but there is no law governing how cultural heritage is maintained. After a long process in 2010, the idea that cultural heritage should be clarified was supported by the issuance of article 1 of Law No. 11 because cultural heritage is an important relic. Cultural heritage objects can also vary such as artifacts, metals, iron axes, ceramics, pottery etc.

Cultural heritage areas also sprawl across several regions, such as Jakarta's old town, Yogyakarta's Malioboro, Semarang's old town etc.

Cultural Heritage has a determination in the form of granting cultural heritage status to, objects, buildings, location structures, or geographical space units carried out by the district / city government based on the recommendation of the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB).

The Upgrading session continued with the second speaker, Dr. Awalia Rahma MA. she gave a broader presentation by including the context of art in her discussion which had the theme History and Cultural Heritage: Heritage Studies or the study of cultural heritage, is an interdisciplinary study that has links with anthropology, archaeology, psychology, sociology, art, architecture, and tourism. Heritage Studies involves 3 methods of study in the form of text analysis, interviews with sources, and direct observation of cultural activities or practices with the heritage. The next activity continued with a question and answer session from the seminar participants. As a closing activity, the seminar continued with the distribution of prizes for essay competition participants; 1st place won by Farhah Kamilatun Nuha (3rd semester library science study program student), 2nd place won by Adi Kusuma Pramesta (1st semester Islamic History and Civilization study program student), 3rd place won by Aditha Sausan (5th semester Islamic History and Civilization study program student) Followed by a prayer session led by Muhammad Fadhil Burhani. Then according to the monitoring of the coverage of the event was closed with a group photo.

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