HIMLA Management 2024-2025 Is Implementing The Inaugural Nahwu Shorof Class Program As The First Step To Increasing Competent And Competitive Students
Ciputat, South Tanggerang – HIMLA (Halaqah Ilmiyyah Li Muhibbi al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah) carried out the first activity of the Nahwu Shorof”Class ” Program. This inaugural class was attended by 82 participants and was enthusiastically welcomed. This can be seen from the classroom atmosphere which is full of enthusiasm and actively follows lessons. This first class aims to introduce and deepen the material “Number of Ismiyyah: Mubtada’ wa Khobar wa ma yata'allaqu bihima” and its application in sentences.
This activity will be held on Tuesday, December 3 2024, starting at 16.00-17.30 WIB in Room 2.02 of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities. This activity was filled by Dr. Cahya Buana, MA. BSA Study Program Lecturer and HIMLA Trustee. In the first Nahwu Shorof class, students were given an in-depth study of the Ismiyyah amount which included the meaning of mubtada’ and khobar, their distribution, and examples. The students also apply the material that has been provided by analyzing the text and ending with a khulasoh presentation regarding the material.
This Nahwu Shorof class uses interactive learning where students interact directly with the teacher through practice and questions and answers. So that students can learn Arabic more pleasantly.
This activity went smoothly. The Nahwu Shorof class is the first step in a series of classes held by HIMLA. Through Nahwu Shorof learning, it is hoped that students can increase student competence in Arabic and produce competitive output in society.
Hopefully this class can increase students' enthusiasm to study Arabic seriously
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