HIMLA Holds Liqaul Mahabbah Activities, Moments of Increasing Solidity and Love Between Members and Management
HIMLA Holds Liqaul Mahabbah Activities, Moments of Increasing Solidity and Love Between Members and Management

Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, FAH News Online – HIMLA (Halaqah Ilmiyyah Li Muhibbi al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah) held its first activity in the 2024 period, namely Liqaul Mahabbah, which was held at the Ragunan Animal Clan Zoo on Saturday, December 7 2024. This event, which was accompanied by lustful rain, was opened by MC Safinah at 08.00 and closed with prayers by Ma'arij at 16.00. This Liqaul Mahabbah activity was held for the first time this year, with the aim that fellow members and administrators can get to know each other and build and strengthen ties.

This first activity was enthusiastically welcomed by the new members of HIMLA 2024, with the number of new members of HIMLA 2024 reaching 50 people. “With the holding of this activity, I not only got to know classmates who joined HIMLA, but I got to know friends from various classes who are also HIMLA” members, said one of the HIMLA 2024 members named Salman Al-Farisi after finishing the activity.

This year's Liqaul Mahabbah activity was conceptualized with several activity agendas including: Talk Show about language, gift exchange and election of the editor-in-chief of HIMLA mading. “HIMLA here is a forum for you to be creative and achieve without confusing campus politics, please join any organization, be it PMII, HMI, IMM or others, but when you are at HIMLA these organizations are not allowed to enter and damage HIMLA”, according to the remarks of the founder and initiator of HIMLA, Dr. Cahya Buana, MA.

In the talk show session, resource person Kak Bobby Al-Mahbub, a master's student in Language and Literature and an undergraduate alumnus in Language and Literature, provided motivation to HIMLA members. “Love Arabic, then it will be easy for you to learn it,” he said. Apart from that, this international debater also invites participants to continue to be enthusiastic about processing and achieving. “I'm waiting for your news, 2025 HIMLA must become the overall champion in the national Arabic language competition,” he added, as well as closing the talk show session with enthusiasm.

As the weather changes from rain to strong sunlight, activities continue with the election of the editor-in-chief of HIMLA for the 2024-2025 solemn period. Adnan Haris was elected editor-in-chief and delivered his first remarks. “Thank you very much to my friends who have trusted me. Hopefully we can work together to carry out the work program of the HIMLA Daily Management Board (BPH) in this period”. he said.

The general chairman of HIMLA 2024-2025 Bismi Azka expressed his hope that the implementation of this activity could strengthen ties between members and members as well as members and administrators as well as all new members of HIMLA 2024 can continue to be enthusiastic in the process at HIMLA. “I hope you can continue the process at HIMLA, make gold ink with competition achievements and don't hesitate to ask us management brothers regarding academic matters, we are very wide open to continue to guide you and finally, if you meet on the road, don't forget to greet each other..”, close Bismi Azka with a warm smile.

Then the 2024 Liqaul Mahabbah activity closed with a joint documentation session and a walk to see animals in Ragunan.

Documentation Activity:



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