FAH UIN Jakarta Strengthens Academic Collaboration Through Visiting Lecturer Program
Jakarta, FAH Online News – Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta again shows its role as a superior academic center in the Islamic education network in Indonesia. In order to respond to the budget efficiency program launched by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the Islamic History and Civilization Study Program FAH UIN Jakarta initiated a Visiting Lecturer program involving UIN throughout Indonesia which is part of the Association of Islamic History Study Programs throughout Indonesia (APSII) as a form of academic collaboration.
As a concrete step in this program, the FAH UIN Jakarta Islamic History and Civilization Study Program (SPI) offers various courses and teaching lecturers to other UINs in Indonesia. This initiative received a positive response from various campuses, including UIN Siber Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon, UIN Imam Bonjol, West Sumatra, and UIN KH. Ahmad Shiddiq (KHAS) Jember, who sent his best lecturers as guest lecturers for the SPI FAH UIN Jakarta Study Program.
Three lecturers from UIN Cirebon who are guest lecturers at the SPI FAH UIN Jakarta Study Program are: Prof. Didin Nurul Rosidin, Ph.D (Subject: Southeast Asian Society and Culture), Dr. Tendi, M.Hum (Subject: History and Memory) and Fika Hidayani, M.Hum (Subject: Archipelago Islamic Manuscripts). From UIN Imam Bonjol sent his best lecturers, including Dr. H. Sudarman, MA. (Subject: Indonesian History), Dr. H. Danil Mahmud Chaniago, M. Hum. (Subject: Historical Methods), Dr. Erman, M. Ag., M. Hum. (Subject: Gender History), Dr. Ahmad Taufik Hidayat, MA. (Subject: Archipelago Islamic Manuscripts), Dr. Mhd. Ilham, M. Hum (Subject: Cultural History). Meanwhile, from UIN Jember there is Dr. Akhiyat, S.Ag., M.Pd.( Course: Indonesian History).
Apart from receiving Guest Lecturers from other UINs, the SPI FAH UIN Jakarta Study Program also sent lecturers to other universities, namely UIN Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, namely: Faizal Arifin, M.Hum (Source Manuscripts in the Digital World) and Dr. Awalia Rahma, MA (SKI Learning Methodology).
The Visiting Lecturer program, which takes place online, is held from 10-21 March 2025 with interactive lecture sessions and received high appreciation from SPI study program students and FAH UIN Jakarta academics.
Chair of the SPI FAH Study Program, Dr. Zakiya Darajat, MA as the initiator of this visiting lecture program emphasized that apart from being a form of strategy to get around budget efficiency policies, this academic collaboration is a real manifestation of FAH UIN Jakarta's commitment to strengthening networks between SPI study programs throughout PTKIN, as well as improving the quality of Islamic higher education in Indonesia, especially those related to Islamic History. Through the visiting lecturer program, the SPI FAH UIN Jakarta Study Program seeks to enrich students' learning experiences and strengthen academic networks with various Islamic universities in Indonesia. The Head of the SPI FAH UIN Jakarta Study Program expressed his gratitude for the excellent response from the SPI Study Program Heads who are members of APSII, for this very useful academic collaboration. In the future, it is hoped that the collaboration that will be established will not only be in the visiting lecture program, but can be developed with other programs such as exchanging webinar resource persons, reviewers for journals managed by each study program, exchanging examiners for final student assignments, and so on. Also thanks to the FAH leadership for providing moral support, and very responsive educational staff for technically assisting the smooth running of the visiting lecture program this time.
Dean of FAH Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M.Hum expressed his hope that this program would be a strategic step in strengthening the role of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a center of academic excellence and research in the field of Islamic History and Civilization. With synergy between Islamic universities, it is hoped that the quality of education and research in Indonesia will further develop and make a significant contribution to the progress of Islamic science.
This Visiting Lecturer program proves that budget efficiency is not an obstacle to academic development. On the contrary, this collaboration shows that through close collaboration, Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia can continue to progress and provide great benefits for students and the wider academic world.
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