FAH UIN Jakarta Holds Workshop on Equalizing Perceptions of Curriculum Preparation 2025
FAH UIN Jakarta Holds Workshop on Equalizing Perceptions of Curriculum Preparation 2025

South Tangerang, FAH News Online – Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Workshop on Equalizing Perceptions for Preparing the 2025 Curriculum on Wednesday (19/3) in the Theater Room, 5th Floor, FAH Building. This activity, which takes place from 09.30 to 15.00 WIB, aims to equalize understanding regarding curriculum updates at the faculty level so that they are in line with the latest academic policies and developments in science and technology.

Workshop Attended by Academics and Curriculum Experts

This workshop presented resource persons, Riyan Adi Putra, S.Hum., M.Hum., LPM UIN Jakarta Accreditation and Ranking Coordinator. The discussion was guided by moderator Nurul Azizah, M.Hum., who is also a lecturer at the FAH UIN Jakarta Islamic History and Civilization Study Program.

The event was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M.Hum., who in his speech emphasized the importance of evaluating and aligning the curriculum so that it is relevant to the needs of the times.

"The curriculum is the main foundation in the academic world. "Therefore, we need to update regularly to ensure that the lecture material taught remains relevant to developments in science and the needs of students in the world of work," said Dr. Ade Abdul Hak.

Key Discussion in Workshop

During the first session, resource persons conveyed the importance of preparing a curriculum based on Ongoing Curriculum Development that is flexible and adaptive to the dynamics of higher education. He emphasized that curriculum development must consider three main aspects, namely:

  1. Alignment with National and International Policies
    The curriculum must follow the regulations of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) as well as international standards that can increase the competitiveness of graduates at the global level
  2. Technology Integration in Learning
    Technological developments, especially artificial intelligence (AI), must be adapted to the learning process. AI can be utilized in online-based learning, academic data analysis, and personalization of teaching methods.
  3. Alignment with the World of Work
    The curriculum must strengthen student skills to be better prepared to face the challenges of the world of work, including through the Merdeka Belajar Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

Next, the resource person discussed various strategies in preparing a curriculum that suits the needs of each study program at FAH. He highlighted the importance of the involvement of various parties, including students and alumni, in the curriculum evaluation process.

"Today's students have different learning needs than previous generations. "Therefore, universities must be more flexible in providing learning options, such as internships, independent studies and industry-based projects," said Riyan Adi Putra.

Implementation of the MBKM Program and Curriculum Flexibility

One of the topics that attracted participants' attention was the implementation of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. In this discussion, it was explained that the MBKM program allows students to gain off-campus learning experience through various schemes, such as:

    1. Internships in companies or research institutes
    2. Independent study with supervisor
    3. Interuniversity student exchanges, both domestic and foreign
    4. Entrepreneurial activities and humanitarian projects


In addition, in the latest policy, internship programs are no longer a mandatory requirement for undergraduate students, but can be replaced with MBKM programs that are more flexible according to students' individual interests and needs.

Discussions also included changes in the academic evaluation system. Now, universities can implement a competency-based assessment system with a "pass" or "not pass" scheme for certain courses, although this policy must still be adjusted to the standards of each study program.

Participants' Enthusiasm and Workshop Conclusions

This workshop was attended by lecturers, education staff, as well as student representatives and alumni from various study programs at FAH UIN Jakarta. Participants actively participated in discussions and shared experiences related to challenges in the implementation of technology-based curricula and the needs of the job market.

In conclusion, the interviewees emphasized that good curriculum preparation must take into account the balance between theory and practice, and adapt to global developments. The Faculty of Adab and Humanities at UIN Jakarta is committed to continuing to develop a curriculum that is innovative and responsive to the needs of students and the wider community.

By holding this workshop, it is hoped that the future FAH UIN Jakarta curriculum will be of higher quality and have a positive impact on the academic development and professionalism of graduates.

Author: Ida Rosida and Princess Yasmin

Activity Documentation:

Penyesuaian Kurikulum 2

Penyesuaian Kurikulum 1

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