FAH UIN Jakarta Attracts the Attention of EXPOSE UIN 2025 Participants with a Variety of Study Programs
FAH UIN Jakarta Attracts the Attention of EXPOSE UIN 2025 Participants with a Variety of Study Programs

South Tangerang, FAH News Online - UIN Jakarta held an EXPOSE UIN 2025 event on February 6, 2025, at the Student Center (SC) Hall with the theme "Unlocking Opportunities". This activity aims to provide information for prospective students about the entry path and study programs at UIN Jakarta.

A total of 97 schools with a total of 1,370 students from around and outside UIN Jakarta participated in this event. Registration of participants has been open since 07.00 WIB and began to be crowded at 08.00 WIB. The event officially started at 09.15 WIB, beginning with remarks from the host of the event.

EXPOSE UIN 2025 presents various information booths from each faculty in UIN Jakarta and of course, there is the Faculty of Adab and Humanities. There are also partner units, libraries, and Ma'had Al-Jami'ah. UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Medicine even opened a free health check-up stand for the participants.

As one of the faculties at UIN Jakarta, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) plays an active role in EXPOSE UIN 2025 by presenting an information stand that provides extensive insight into the study programs in this faculty, such as: Library and Information Science, Islamic History and Civilization, Arabic Literature, English Language and Literature and Tarjamah.

These five study programs offer learning that is not only academic-based but also applicative in accordance with the needs of the increasingly dynamic world of work. The participants who visited the FAH stand received information about the curriculum, career prospects, and academic and non-academic activities at this faculty.

Tiara Ramadhani, one of the EXPOSE UIN 2025 participants from Pondok Modern Assalam Sukabumi, expressed her impression after visiting the FAH stand: "Initially, I was curious about Library Science at FAH UIN Jakarta-what are the activities like and what are the prospects for the future. But apparently, there is also one study program that really caught my attention, namely Arabic Language and Literature (BSA). As someone who is interested in the world of literature, both Arabic and English, I feel that FAH UIN Jakarta is the right place to develop my interests and passions." This statement reflects the great role of FAH in providing insight and inspiration for prospective students.

Activity Report and Remarks

 In the activity report, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Ahmad Tholabi, said that this event presented three main speakers, namely Haris Setiadji (PTKIN 2025 National Team), Bekti Cahyo Hidayanto (Executive Secretary of SNPMB) and Sri Ilham Lubis (Head of Academic Bureau of UIN Jakarta).

The main purpose of this event is to provide a forum for prospective students to understand the various selection paths into UIN Jakarta. In addition, participants can also ask directly about the study program at the stand that has been provided.

In his speech, Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D. expressed gratitude for the implementation of EXPOSE UIN 2025 and welcomed prospective students with enthusiasm.

"At UIN Jakarta there are many excellent study programs. Education is a valuable investment, and we are all responsible for becoming individuals who are ready to face the challenges of the world, regardless of their scientific fields," said Rector. The speech was closed with a statement that "student success comes from the formation of character and personality."

Material Exposure

 The material presentation session in the EXPOSE UIN 2025 event was moderated by Taufan Maulana Firdaus and presented three main speakers who discussed the entrance path of State Universities (PTN) and State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN) 2025. Bekti Cahyo Hidayanto, as Executive Secretary of the National Selection of New Student Admissions (SNPMB), explained the three PTN selection pathways:  National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) with a minimum quota of 20% for PTN BLU and PTNBH, SBBT with a minimum quota of 40% for PTN BLU and 30% for PTNBH and Independent Selection with a maximum limit of 30% for PTN BLU and 50% for Legal Entity State Universities (PTNBH).

He also emphasized that school quality is also a selection factor, not just individual student grades. SNBP registration will open soon, and students are advised to create an account immediately to avoid technical problems. PDSS filling guidelines can be accessed at https://pantau-snbp.snpmb.id/pdss.

Meanwhile, Haris Setiadji, representative of the PTKIN 2025 National Team, explained that the State Islamic Religious University Entrance Examination (UMPTKIN) will be E-Raport based, with the exam held at the nearest PTKIN. The selection system is conducted electronically using desktop apps to prevent cheating. This year, the capacity of PTKIN includes 58 PTKIN + 1 PTN, with a quota: 74,337 seats for the State Islamic Universities Selection (SPAN-PTKIN), 43,913 seats for Independent Selection 1,313 study programs, It was also explained that the UMPTKIN 2025 schedule includes registration on April 22-May 28, the SSE exam on June 10-18, and the result announcement on June 30.

In addition, Sri Ilham Lubis, Head of the Academic Bureau of UIN Jakarta, explained that UIN Jakarta Self Selection consists of two main paths. The Regular pathway uses a computer-based exam with tests covering academic reasoning, mathematics, and religious literacy, with registration opened on April 1 - June 20, 2025. Meanwhile, the Non-Regular pathway includes several selection schemes, such as academic and non-academic achievements, Talent Scouting through cooperation between schools and UIN Jakarta, BLU Scholarships specifically for the Faculty of Islamic Studies, and international student selection.

In between the question and answer session, the students were invited to go around to each Faculty Stand and UIN Jakarta Unit to ask questions and collect stamps to be exchanged for rewards in the form of riding the Electric Bus (BILIS UIN) and 360° Photo Booth.

In closing, this event presents entertainment performances from each UKM in UIN Jakarta as well as stand-up comedy by Boby Al Mahbubi which provides a more relaxed atmosphere after a series of solid academic material. This performance became a special attraction for participants, leaving a pleasant impression before the event officially ended. Overall, EXPOSE UIN 2025 provides a comprehensive overview of the entry path to UIN Jakarta and PTKIN, expected to help prospective students in choosing the selection path that suits their competence.

Activity Documentation:

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