Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta Receives Visiting Lecture and Imitation Studies at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumatra
Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta Receives Visiting Lecture and Imitation Studies at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumatra

South Tangerang, FAH Online News – Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has again strengthened academic ties by receiving a visit from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, West Sumatra. This visit took place on Friday, October 18 2024, at the FAH Main Courtroom on the 2nd floor, with the theme "Visiting Lecture and Imitation Studies, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang."

This activity was attended by nine delegates from UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, including faculty leaders, lecturers and teaching staff. The visit aims to exchange experiences, establish cooperation in the academic field, and share best practices in Faculty governance. The event took place with enthusiasm and wisdom, becoming an important momentum for the two institutions to learn from each other and develop together.

The arrival of guests from UIN Imam Bonjol Padang was warmly welcomed by the leadership of FAH UIN Jakarta, led by Dr. Siti Amsyariah, S.Ag., Deputy Dean for General Administration. Also present at this welcoming event was the Head of the History of Islamic Civilization (SPI) Study Program, Dr. Zakiyah Darojat, MA, Head of Library Science (IP) Study Program Dr. Siti Maryam, S.Ag., S, M.Hum, Head of Administration Section Iwan Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Si., as well as several teaching staff from FAH UIN Jakarta.

In his speech, Dr. Siti Amsyariah expressed her gratitude for this visit and emphasized that FAH UIN Jakarta is currently preparing for International Accreditation through the AQUIN institution, which is expected to improve the reputation and quality of education within FAH. Apart from that, he also revealed FAH's strategic plan to open a new study program, namely Islamic Interior Design, as part of the development of a more comprehensive Faculty.

"This visit not only strengthens friendship, but also becomes an opportunity to learn from each other, especially in managing efficient and innovative Faculty governance," said Dr. Siti Amsyariah.

Deputy Dean for General Administration, Planning and Finance FAH UIN Imam Bonjol Padang Prof. Dr. Taufiqurrahman, M.Ag., expressed his gratitude and gratitude for the warm welcome from FAH UIN Jakarta. In his speech, he revealed that the main aim of this visit was to learn from FAH UIN Jakarta, which is considered a "role model" or "parent" for faculties within PTKIN.

“FAH UIN Jakarta is our parents who are role models for us. Like a child who complains to parents, we come to study and ask for guidance. Late Prof. Azyumardi Azra, who once led UIN Jakarta, is one of the great figures who is a role model and a place for our complaints,” said Prof. Taufiqurrahman, while remembering the great contribution of the late Prof. Azyumardi in the development of Islamic education in Indonesia.

This visit was also filled with a visiting lecture session involving two lecturers from UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Prof. Dr. Taufiqurrahman, M.Ag., who is a Lecturer in the History of Islamic Civilization Study Program as well as Deputy Dean for General Administration and Dr. Arwendria, S.IP., M.Si., who serves as Head of the Library Science Study Program. Both of them will fill lectures for FAH UIN Jakarta students majoring in SPI and Library Science during the visit period.

Head of Library Science Study Program at FAH UIN Jakarta, Siti Maryam, SS, M.Hum, welcomed the arrival of these guest lecturers. "We are looking forward to the presence of guest lecturers. "They will fill fifth semester classes majoring in Library Science, and we hope that the knowledge and experience shared can become a new inspiration for students," said Siti Maryam.

Dr. Arwendria, who also gave a guest lecture, expressed his respect for this opportunity. "I feel very honored to be able to share my experience and knowledge at FAH UIN Jakarta. "Hopefully what I convey can be useful for students and lecturers here," he said.

Head of SPI Dr. Zakiyah Darojat, MA, also congratulated UIN Imam Bonjol on achieving superior accreditation which was recently achieved. He hopes that this visit can motivate FAH UIN Jakarta to continue working hard to realize similar superior accreditation.

"UIN Imam Bonjol has shown that with hard work and commitment, we can all achieve proud results. "We also hope that the same spirit can continue to inspire us at FAH UIN Jakarta," said Dr. Zakiyah.

Additionally, Dr. Zakiyah also appreciated the great contributions of figures from West Sumatra, such as Syahrir, and Buya Hamka, Prof. Azyumardi Azra has been recognized worldwide for their contributions to the field of science.

At the end of the event, Head of the Administration Section of FAH UIN Imam Bonjol, Zuriul Eliza, S.Sos., said that this visit was also used to study the administrative governance implemented at FAH UIN Jakarta. He hopes to adopt several good practices that can be implemented at UIN Imam Bonjol for future improvements to the administrative system.

"We came to learn, especially in terms of administrative governance. "What we learn here will be a provision for us to improve the existing system in our faculty," said Zuriul Eliza.

This visit from UIN Imam Bonjol Padang ended with a group photo and the handover of souvenirs as a symbol of friendship and academic collaboration between the two institutions. This activity not only strengthens ties of friendship, but also enriches experience and knowledge that can be used as capital for future faculty development.

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