Faculty of Adab and Humanities Presents Featured Program "Mutiara Ramadan"
South Tangerang, FAH Online News – Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta launched a superior program entitled Mutiara Ramadan which will take place throughout the holy month of Ramadan 2025. This program aims to provide spiritual water to the community through meaningful advice from lecturers at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities.
Every day, starting on March 1 2025, live broadcasts will be uploaded on the official YouTube channel of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta (FAH UIN JAKARTA) at 09.00 WIB. For 30 full days, this program will present different themes, presenting inspiring messages relevant to daily life in the month of Ramadan. The sources presented are very inspiring figures, coming from among lecturers from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, who will share insights and inspiration with viewers.
Mutiara Ramadan is here as a form of academic contribution in spreading moderate and wisdom-filled Islamic values. It is hoped that this program can be a source of inspiration and reflection for the wider community, especially in filling the month of Ramadan with useful activities.
With this program, it is hoped that people can get closer to Islamic values and gain new insights from the academic perspective conveyed by lecturers. The Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Jakarta, invites the entire community to take part in and disseminate this program so that its benefits can be felt more widely.
For those who want to watch the live broadcast of Mutiara Ramadan, you can visit the YouTube channel of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Jakarta and enjoy various advice given during this holy month. Click on https://youtube.com/@fahuinjakarta1231?si=pcgNa-uwXbl9kjHx
Author: Jasmiko