Faculty of Adab and Humanities Holds 2025 OBE Curriculum Workshop
Syahida Inn, FAH Online News – Starting the even semester academic year, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) successfully held the 2025 Curriculum Workshop on February 24 2025 at the Syahida Inn Hotel, Jalan Kertamukti, East Ciputat. This workshop carries the theme "Creating OBE (Outcome-Based Education) Based Product Content." This activity aims to design and develop the FAH curriculum so that it is more adaptive to current developments and the needs of the world of education.
This workshop presents two resource persons who are competent in their fields. In the first session which took place from 09.00–12.00 WIB, the first resource person, Prof. Dr. Ni Komang Arie Suwastini, M.Pd., M.Hum., from Ganesha University of Education Bali, provided material entitled "Literary Content in OBE-Based Curriculum." The session was moderated by M. Zacky Mubarrok, MA.
Then, the second session at 13.00–16.00 WIB was continued with the second resource person, Ummi Kulthum, M.Pd., Ph.D., lecturer at the English Language Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This session was moderated by Hikmah Irfani, M.Hum. In their presentation, the two interviewees made various important points about OBE and its implementation in the preparation of the curriculum at FAH.
The agenda for this workshop was attended by all levels of FAH leadership, including the Dean, Deputy Dean, Head of Study Program (Kaprodi), Secretary of Study Program (Sekprodi), as well as lecturers involved in preparing and developing the FAH curriculum for 2025.
In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities expressed the importance of developing a more structured and clearly results-oriented curriculum. He also emphasized that this workshop is the first step in developing a curriculum that is not only relevant to the needs of the world of education today, but also prepares graduates who are ready to face global challenges.
Prof.'s presentation. Dr. Ni Komang Arie Suwastini: "Literary Content in OBE-Based Curriculum"
In the first session, Prof. Arie presented material on "Literary Content in the OBE-Based Curriculum." He explained that OBE is a transformation of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) which focuses more on Graduate Learning Achievements (CPL). OBE provides flexibility in preparing the curriculum, and focuses on precise and clear goals and has fulfilled the 16 credits required. Basically, OBE makes it easier for us to prepare the curriculum because we can go any way, the most important thing is the goal. He said
Prof. Arie also revealed several stages in designing an OBE-based curriculum, namely: first; Design clear and structured learning achievements. Second; Develop a systematic and integrated Semester Learning Plan (RPS). Third; Using student-focused learning strategies. Fourth; Apply active learning methods to increase student involvement. Fifth; Develop learning achievement-based evaluations and assessments, where assessments can be adjusted to the needs of each study program.
Looking at the OBE's focus on Graduate Learning Achievements (CPL), on this occasion, Prof. Arie also touched on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. He revealed that AI has advantages and disadvantages in supporting the educational process. On the one hand, AI provides convenience and efficiency in several aspects, however, Prof. Arie warned, "If we rely too much on AI, we can become spoiled and lose our creativity. "Especially for students, even though AI can help them, they still have to be able to think critically and creatively in developing ideas and concepts."
He added, "AI should be used as a simplifying tool, but core processes such as writing and developing ideas must still be carried out by humans. Creativity and innovation cannot be replaced by machines. We must ensure that this technology does not reduce the basic abilities that students should have, namely analytical thinking skills, composing arguments, and producing original work." He said
Ummi Kulthum's presentation: "OBE Based RPS Preparation"
Furthermore, at the second session, Ummi Kulthum discussed in more depth the preparation of an OBE-based Semester Learning Plan (RPS). He explained that OBE focuses on learning outcomes or products that can be seen in a real and measurable way. In his explanation, Ummi emphasized that OBE is also oriented towards developing student competencies, so that it can be adapted to current developments and industry needs.
Ummi Kulthum also highlighted the importance of utilizing technology in preparing OBE-based curricula. He said, "OBE makes it easier for us to develop the curriculum because of its systematic and structured approach. "Each study program can have characteristics that suit the needs and developments of the times."
Discussion and Input from Workshop Participants
Several workshop participants also provided valuable input, including M. Agus Suriadi highlighted the importance of developing lecturer skills and students' abilities in dealing with technological developments, such as artificial intelligence (AI). He reminded that even though AI can make things easier, students still need to have strong basic skills.
Pak Pungki added, "The KKNI and OBE systems are simple, but the challenge is how to implement them in the form of a syllabus that suits student needs."
Meanwhile, Mrs. Zakiya spoke about the relationship between OBE and MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Campus), both of which focus on results and competency development. "OBE and MBKM must be integrated with each other to produce graduates who are not only competent, but also ready to face the world of work," said Mrs. Zakiya.
It is hoped that this workshop will become a strong foundation in preparing a more innovative and adaptive curriculum at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities. By carrying an OBE approach, FAH is committed to producing graduates who not only have theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills that are relevant to the demands of the times. (SN)
Activity Documentation: