Evaluation and Preparation of the 2025 Curriculum for the FAH UIN Jakarta Library Science Study Program
East Ciputat, FAH News Online - The Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta held an important meeting in the Main Courtroom, 2nd floor, on Wednesday, March 12 2025 to evaluate and develop a new curriculum for the Library Science (IP) Study Program. This activity was attended by academics, students and alumni to provide input in order to improve the quality of education based on scientific and Islamic integration.
The event was opened by the Head of Library Science Study Program, Siti Maryam, SS, M.Hum then continued with remarks from the Dean of FAH, Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M. Hum. In his speech, the Dean emphasized the importance of integrating science and Islam in the curriculum, not just ayatization. He emphasized that the Al-Qur'an and Hadith should be a source of values and scientific concepts that are unique to the IP UIN Study Program compared to other universities. Apart from that, technological developments, including artificial intelligence (AI), also need to be accommodated in the learning process so that graduates are not left behind by current developments.
Deputy Dean I, Dr. Ida Farida, MLIS, in her speech emphasized that the curriculum must be based on Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and provide a more focused course choice in accordance with the European accreditation framework. For this reason, input from students and alumni who already have experience in the field is really needed in preparing curricula that are more relevant to the world of work.
Curriculum Input Networking and Evaluation
In the discussion session, Riyan Adi Putra, M.Hum emphasized that this meeting aims to solicit input from various parties before compiling graduate profiles and learning achievements. One of the results of the discussion was the division of scientific fields into three main groups: libraries, archives and information technology.
The Dean added that graduate profiles should be kept separate between library managers, archives institutions and other information institutions so that students can focus more on mastering the fields they are interested in.
Input from Students
Several students who attended also gave their views on the ongoing curriculum. Vaiza proposes that archival courses be increased because currently only one archive-related course is available until the fifth semester. Meanwhile, Fauzan highlighted the need for improved materials related to school libraries given the high demand for library personnel in schools.
Najmi believes that all courses are important, but need to be advanced to semesters early so that students can be better prepared to face practice in the field. Rafi and Rima agreed that specialization needs to be implemented so that students can focus more on becoming librarians, archivists or professionals in other information fields.
Input from Lecturers and Alumni
Mrs. Nurul proposed separating book description and non-book description courses so that practice time is more optimal. Meanwhile, Mrs. Dilla highlighted the importance of Islamic classification courses as well as the need for a separation between index vocabulary and subject headings.
Muhammad Azwar, S.Pdl, M.Hum suggests that graduate profiles be made more specific and marketable, such as at other universities that have graduate profiles as curators, media specialists, or publishing managers. Mr. Parhan also stressed the importance of mapping courses according to the needs of the graduate profile and the job market.
Deputy Dean I Dr. Ida, as well as a lecturer in the Library Science study program, highlighted the need to align the number of core and elective courses, as well as consider the availability of teaching staff. Meanwhile, Mr. Yudi proposed adding digital preservation courses and more adequate practical facilities.
This discussion resulted in several important points for future curriculum development, including:
First; Division of graduate profiles by specialization (librarians, archivists, information professionals). Second ; Addition of courses in archives and information technology. Thirdly; Increase in the share of practice in the curriculum. Fourth ; Preparation of OBE-based courses and integration with street vendors and independent learning.
With this meeting, it is hoped that the new curriculum can be more relevant to industrial needs and scientific developments, and still maintain the unique scientific and Islamic integration that is characteristic of UIN.
Activity Documentation: