Educational Synergy: Visit of Shuffah Al Jama'ah Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School Students to FAH UIN Jakarta
Educational Synergy: Visit of Shuffah Al Jama'ah Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School Students to FAH UIN Jakarta

Ciputat, FAH News Online - On Friday, January 10 2025, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta received a visit from the Shuffah Al Jama'ah Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School. The event, which took place in the 5th Floor Theater Room, started at 14.00 WIB with a series of agendas, involving interactive dialogue between students and Islamic boarding school representatives and the faculty. The students looked very enthusiastic about taking part in this activity

Dean of FAH Mr Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M.Hum in his remarks, expressed his welcome to all participants. He introduced various study programs at FAH, such as Arabic Language and Literature (BSA), Islamic History and Civilization (SPI), Tarjamah, Library Science, and English Language and Literature (BSI). He also emphasized that almost all study programs at FAH have been accredited A and excelled by the international accreditation institution, ACQUIN.

The Dean highlighted various entry routes to UIN, including independent routes, as well as providing motivation to students to continue to be enthusiastic about pursuing education. He also presented the role of technology in Library Science, including the importance of information literacy and artificial intelligence (AI). “Library Science not only looks after books, but also becomes a center for information literacy that is relevant to today's technology,” he said.

Representative of the Shuffah Al Jama'ah Islamic Boarding School, Ustadz Hasan Yusuf, S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that visits to this university are part of a program that has been implemented four times as a result of collaboration with BAZNAS. This program aims to facilitate students who want to continue their education at university, especially at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

On this occasion, Ustadz Hasan Yusuf revealed that Islamic boarding schools have a special approach in preparing students to continue higher education. One way is through collaboration with BAZNAS which plays a role in supporting the sustainability of students' studies at universities. The hope is that this program can open up more opportunities for students to achieve higher education while building a better future.

Then the event continued with a presentation of the study program starting from the Tarjamah Study Program. Tarjamah Study Program Secretary, Mr. Zaki Mubarok, MA said that Tarjamah graduates have great opportunities as professional translators, both physically and digitally. He added that this study program has been running since 1999 and continues to develop according to the needs of the times.

Followed by the presentation of the Arabic Language and Literature Study Program (BSA), Mr. Mugi Nugraha, Secretary of the BSA Study Program, revealed that this program has a large number of enthusiasts, approximately 4 thousand applicants every year, he emphasized the flexibility of BSA graduates who can pursue careers in various fields such as philology, literary critics, and Arabic language managers.

Then Bu Zakiyah's Islamic History and Civilization Study Program (SPI) explained that the SPI study program studied Islamic history from the classical to modern periods, with a relevant approach using today's technology. “History is not only about the past, but also the key to understanding and building the future,” he explained.

In the question and answer session, participants asked various questions, including the SPI curriculum, double degree opportunities, and the role of education in advancing the nation. All questions were answered directly by the Faculty, which emphasized the importance of critical thinking and learning from history for the progress of the people.

In the question and answer session, participants asked various questions, including the SPI curriculum, double degree opportunities, and the role of education in advancing the nation. All questions were answered directly by the Faculty, which emphasized the importance of critical thinking and learning from history for the progress of the people.

Deputy Dean, Prof. Usep Abdul Matin, in his speech emphasized that thinking is an obligation commanded by Allah SWT. He explained that from a sociological perspective, thought processes include internalization and externalization, where attitudes formed from the results of thinking will influence other people. "When we read a book, it will influence our attitude, and in turn, our attitude will have an influence on the people around us," he said.

Apart from that, Prof. Usep also emphasized the importance of mastering foreign languages, especially English. According to him, this ability not only opens up wider opportunities, but also allows someone to teach Islamic values, such as reciting the Koran, using English. It is considered an important step in meeting global challenges and spreading Islamic values to the international community.

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