
S1 Library Science

To become a leading study programme in the field of library and information science based on scientific, Islamic, and Indonesian values.

  1. To creatively and innovatively organize education in the field of library and information science for scientific, Islamic, and Indonesian development.
  2. To conduct research in the field of library and information science to foster scientific development, promote social transformation, and enhance the nation's competitiveness.
  3. To proactively provide community service to meet the needs of the community in the field of library and information science.
  4. To establish professional, accountable, and transparent organizational culture for the governance of study programs and cooperation in the field of library and information science.


Programme Learning Outcome

  1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise;
  2. Able to show independent, quality, and measurable performance;
  3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their expertise based on scientific rules, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism, compile a scientific description of the results of their studies in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website;
  4. Compile a scientific description of the results of the above studies in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website;
  5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in their field of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis;
  6. Able to maintain and develop networks with supervisors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution
  7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers under his/her responsibility;
  8. Able to conduct a self-evaluation process of the work group under his/her responsibility, and able to manage learning independently; and
  9. Able to document, store, secure, and retrieve data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.

  1. Able to make plans in improving library services, archive institutions, and other information institutions based on user needs analysis
  2. Able to manage information sources by using information source management methods based on analysis of the functions of libraries, archives, and other information institutions
  3. Able to develop information systems based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and use information technology for libraries, archives and other information institutions based on user needs analysis
  4. Able to manage libraries, archives as information institutions based on the principles of information institution management.
  5. Able to apply and develop personal skills across functions, audiences, and cultures
  6. Able to conduct theoretical and applied studies in the fields of librarianship archives, and other information sources that solve problems using scientific methods

  1. Pious to God Almighty and able to demonstrate an Islamic attitude
  2. Uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics
  3. Contribute to improving the quality of life of the community, nation, state, and the advancement of civilisation based on Pancasila
  4. Acting as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation;
  5. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others;
  6. Work together and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and the environment
  7. Be law-abiding and disciplined in social and state life;
  8. Internalising academic values, norms, and ethics
  9. Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently.
  10. Internalising the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.

  1. Mastering theoretical concepts, methods and applications in the development of library, archive, and information services.
  2. Mastering theoretical concepts, methods and applications in the development of library, archive, and information services.
  3. Mastering theoretical concepts and techniques in the use and development of information systems for libraries, archives, and other ICT-based information institutions
  4. Mastering theoretical concepts, methods, and tools for analyzing management functions (planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and controlling) at libraries, archives and other information institutions
  5. Master the rules, principles in personal skills across various functions, audiences, and cultures
  6. Mastering at least one research method in quantitative and qualitative scopes

Semester Course

Semester 8
No Course CE
1 Thesis 6
2 community Service 4
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Alfida, S.Ag., S.IP., MLIS
Information Literacy, Philology, Qualitative Research
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Al Muhdil Karim
Information Technology, Philosophy of Knowledge
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Amir Fadhilah, M.Si.
Sociology, Citizenship
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, M.Hum., CIQnR
Prophetic Librarianship, Qualitative Research
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Dr. Ida Farida, MLIS.
Library Psychology, Knowledge Management, Children's Literature
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Dr. Pungki Purnomo, MLIS
Collections Management, Museum, Qualitative Research
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Evi Zakiyah, S.IIP., M.Hum
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Fadhilatul Hamdani, M.Hum
Organization of Information, Collections Management
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Hikmah Irfaniah, M.Hum.
Archive, Museum
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Fahma Rianti, M.Hum
Library Management, Library Automation System, Bibliometrics
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Lili Sudria Wenny, S.Ip., M.Hum
Library Services, Preservation of Collections
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Muhammad Azwar, S.Pd.I, M.Hum
Information Technology, Information Literacy
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Mukmin Suprayogi, M.Si
Archive, Library Communication
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Nurul Hayati, M.Hum.
Organization of Information, Library Communication
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Nuryudi, S.Ag., SS. MLIS.
Qualitative Research, Library Services, Preservation of Collections
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
‌Okta Reni Azrina Ra, S. IP., M. Hum.
Library Science, Information Literacy
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Parhan Hidayat, M.Hum
Library Psychology, Information Literacy
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Prisinta Wanastri, S.Sos, M.Hum
Organization of Information, Professional Ethics
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Riyan Adi Putra, M.Hum
Archive, Information Technology, Information Literacy
Prof.-Dr.Arif-Sumantr-3x4-225x300 (1)
Siti Maryam, S.Ag., S.S., M.Hum
Library Management, Collections Management
Academic Achievement
  1. Hilya Maylaffayza
    Student Mobility 2023 Delegation to Malaysia
  2. Sakina Hanimada Syarifudin
    2nd place in Essay Kopma Fatawa Competition
  3. Fitri Hidayanti
    Best writer in poetry writing event
Non-Academic Achievements
  1. Ahmad Farhan
    Best presenter at the Bibliobattle and Reading Interest Development activities of the Ministry of Religious Affairs RI Library
  2. Alda Fuadiyah Ahmad
    3rd Runner-up in National Ghina Araby Competition ITHLA Institute
  3. Gilang Musfi Amrullah
    2nd place Youth Pioneer of Education
  4. Okta Ayu Meliya Widanti
    3rd place in Bibliobattle Grand Final
  5. Maililah
    Absolute Winner of Angklung Group Participation at the World Cup of Folklore, Jesolo, Italy
  6. Annisa Damar Anandhi
    1st runner up for Brass Band Competition Team Contest BMBC (Bandung Marching Band Competition) 2019
  7. Indra Saputra Damanik
    1st place of UIN Futsal Team, in Scientific Week Sports Arts and Research (Pionir) IX, at UIN Maliki Malang, July 19, 2019
  8. Ibnu Hazmi
    1st place in the 2019 Arab Embassy Cup
  9. Nabilah Sumayyah
    2nd place in Jabodetabek Yosakoi Contest 2018
  10. Fakhri Najmuddin Halim
    2nd place in Jabodetabek Yosakoi Contest 2018
  11. Fiona Alifa
    Best Speaker in Speech Competition Al-Azhar English Academy, Pare. Januari, 2018
  12. Ika Mauliya
    1. 2nd place in the National Drawing Competition to Commemorating the New Year 2022.
    2. 3rd place in the National Calligraphy Competition to commemorate the Isra' Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad. SAW.
  13. Raden Nafia Az Zahra
    1. Best "Diceritain" Campus Ambassador Batch 1 Representative UIN Jakarta Campus Ambassador.
    2. Favorite Champion of International Solo Vocal Competition in "Quarantine Art" Event (2020), University Technology Malaysia
  14. Novie Nurhayati
    1. 2nd place in the 2019 Chief of Police Cup Championship
    2. 2nd place in 100m Athletics Run USE UIN Jakarta 2019
  15. Maharani Aulia Agustin
    1. GEMPITA National Debate Competency (August 2019)
    2. National Short Story Competition "Event Hunter Indonesia" January 2019 Period
  16. Muh. Iqbal Khairussani
    1. PPS Paku Bumi Open VI Pencak Silat Championship 2019 Asian and European Level
    2. Tapak Suci IPB Open 2018 Intercollege Championship
    3. Scientific, Sports, Arts and Research Week (PIONIR) VIII
  17. Zakaria Achmad
    1. Penang Bridge International Marathon 2019
    2. Kaskus Kudus Half Marathon 2017
    3. Milo Jakarta International 10K 2016
  18. Aufah Zahra Ziyadah
    1. 3rd place in Women's Kata Bergu Porprov V Banten (Pre Pon Selection) Senior KATA Coach at Inkai Teluknaga 2019
    2. 1st place in Women's Individual Kata Porkab V Tangerang
    3. Juara 1 Kata Bergu Putri Porkab V Tangerang
  19. Widorini Putri Hapsari
    1. 4th place Indonesia Drum Corps Championship
    2. Gold Medalist (1st place) National Drum Band Championship Champion Senior Small Unit
    3. 4th Champion of Indonesian Drum Corps Championship 2019
    4. Regional Sports Week XIII West Java
  20. Hilya Maylaffayza
    1. 2nd place in Al-Qur'an Writing Competition (MTQ XX Banten)
    2. 1st place (Gold Medalist) in the National Sociology Olympiad, in the BIMAGE COMPETITION OASE EDUKASI (Academic Olympics throughout Indonesia)
    3. 3rd Place (Bronze Medalist) in the National English Olympiad, in the BIMAGE COMPETITION OASE EDUKASI (Academic Olympiad Seantero Indonesia)
    4. Best Essay in Student Exchange Activity to Seoul, Korea
    5. 2nd place in National Essay Competition in Scholarship Workshop, in Indonesian Youth Opportunities in International Networking (IYOIN) 5.
  21. Nungky Syintia Febriarini
    1. 3rd place Kreatory Short Story Telling National Competition General National Level, July 25 - August 26, 2019, held by the writing agency,
    2. 2nd place in the Short Story Writing Competition from the institution, General National level, July 12-19, 2019.
    3. 3rd place in the Poetry Creation Competition of the Indonesian True Volunteer Community held on January 15-30, 2019 at the General National level
    4. Selected as a Youth Ambassador in the Selection of Indonesian Youth Ambassadors at the Tangerang City level, from the Ministry of Youth and Sports in collaboration with the City Youth Service.
    5. 2nd place in the National Writing Festival Education Poetry Category from The Platinum Skills
    6. Juara 1 Lomba Menulis Cerpen
Faculty Library

The Faculty of Adab and Humanities Library has an important role in supporting academic and research activities as part of the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Library Center. The library functions as a source of information that serves the provision of reading materials, loans and returns, reference materials, as well as study and discussion rooms. In addition to being equipped with an automation system to facilitate the search for collection information independently, this library is also equipped with wifi access for students to access other digital information sources both subscribed to the Center and other databases that are netted in the national library master catalog.

Research Center

A research center is an institution that focuses on conducting scientific research and development in various fields of knowledge. FAH Research Centers have specific objectives, research staff, research facilities, and funding sources used to carry out research projects. Research centers play an important role in advancing science, technology, and innovation, and contribute to solving scientific and social problems.

Language Laboratory

The language laboratory at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities is an educational facility dedicated to strengthening and improving students' language skills. It provides a conducive environment and a variety of resources needed to learn and develop language skills, such as foreign languages or regional languages. The language lab is equipped with modern technology and up-to-date software that allows students to learn interactively. There are various computers equipped with language learning software that can help students improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the language they are learning.

Theater Room

The Faculty of Adab and Humanities has a theater room with a capacity of 130 people. This theatre room is used for workshops, seminars, national and international conferences both organized by the study program and the faculty.

Computer Laboratory

The computer lab in the Faculty of Adab and Humanities building is a modern facility specifically designed to support learning and research. The lab is equipped with the latest hardware and software that allows students and lecturers to carry out various academic activities involving computing and data analysis. The computer lab has a comfortable and spacious space, equipped with work tables and ergonomic chairs to increase productivity. In addition, the lab is equipped with a fast and stable internet network, allowing easy access to relevant online resources and databases. Facilities available in this computer lab include high-specification desktop computers, large monitor screens, and input devices such as ergonomic keyboards and mice.

Student Center

Student Center is a student activity building equipped with workspaces for the Student Council (DEMA), Student Senate (SEMA), and Study Program Student Association (HMPS) located on the 2nd floor. While on the ground floor is the al-Insyaniat faculty mosque which provides space for praying, both individually and in congregation. In addition, the mosque at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities is also often used for religious activities such as reciting the Koran, celebrating the Prophet's Maulid, and religious discussions.

Bicycle Parking

In addition to having special parking for motorbikes and cars, the Faculty of Adab and Humanities also provides special parking for bicycle users to park their bicycles.

Multipurpose Room

The multi-purpose room at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities is a facility designed to facilitate various types of learning and other activities in the campus environment. This room is designed with the flexibility and ability to adapt to various user needs. With adequate space and ergonomic design, the multipurpose room is equipped with modern facilities such as tables, chairs, projectors, screens, whiteboards, and internet access. This room can be easily rearranged to meet the needs of various types of activities, such as lectures, group discussions, presentations, and other events.


IT/DEV IO is a room for developing Information Technology (IT) related skills. This space is usually used by the IT team to work, design, develop and maintain computer systems and software.