S1 English Literature
- Carrying out educational and teaching activities in the form of organizing lectures, seminars, and training activities in the field of English language and literature;
- Conducting research activities in the field of English language and literature, as well as connecting them with the study of Islamic literature and culture.
- Performing community service by responding to problems that occur in the field of English language and literature.
Programme Learning Outcome
- Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise;.
- Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance.
- Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pay attention to and apply humanities values in accordance with their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics; in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism,
- Compile a scientific description of the results of the study above in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website.
- Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in their field of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis.
- Able to maintain and develop work networks with supervisors, colleagues, peers both within and outside the institution.
- Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers under their responsibility.
- Able to conduct a self-evaluation process of the work group under his responsibility, and able to manage learning independently.
- Able to document, store, secure, and retrieve data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism;
- Able to use foreign languages (Arabic/English) orally and in writing for academic purposes.
- Able to use Indonesian orally and in writing for academic and general purposes.
- Able to communicate in spoken and written English in various situational contexts;
- Able to edit various types of manuscripts in accordance with applicable principles;
- Analyze English literature in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic aspects.
- Produce written and oral discourse on works of English literature;
- Able to translate English works into Indonesian and vice versa;
- Able to conduct literary and linguistic research independently;
- Utilize ICT for literary and linguistic research effectively;
- Utilize linguistic theories and studies in other scientific fields;
- Pious to God Almighty and able to show a religious attitude.
- Uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics.
- Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and advancement of civilization based on Pancasila.
- Play a role as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation.
- Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others.
- Work together and have social sensitivity and concern for the community and environment.
- Law-abiding and disciplined in social and state life.
- Internalize academic values, norms and ethics.
- Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently;
- Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship.
- Comprehensively understand literary theories
- Comprehensively master the theories and approaches in linguistics and its branches;
- Understand the development of works and genres of English literature from one period to another;
- Understand various approaches in the study of English literature;
- Understand cultural theories related to English literary and linguistic studies;
- Mastering general and literary research methodologies and principle
- Mastering the theories of editing popular and non-popular manuscripts;
- Mastering the theories of various English compositions;
- Understand the development of English literature by Muslim male and female writers from different countries;
- Comprehensively master the theories and concepts of translation;
Semester Course
Semester 1
No | Course | CE |
1 | General Literature | 4 |
2 | Inferential Reading | 3 |
3 | Comprehensive Listening | 3 |
4 | Indonesia Language | 3 |
5 | Pancasila dan Citizenship | 3 |
6 | Islamic Studies | 4 |
Semester 2
No | Course | CE |
1 | Informative Speaking | 3 |
2 | Critical Reading | 4 |
3 | Critical Listening | 4 |
4 | Advanced Grammar | 4 |
5 | Islam and Science | 3 |
6 | Qiraah and Worship Practicum | 2 |
Semester 3
No | Course | CE |
1 | Essay Writing | 4 |
2 | Indonesian Muslim Society | 3 |
3 | General Linguistics | 4 |
4 | Literary Criticism | 3 |
5 | Poetry | 3 |
6 | Prose | 3 |
Semester 4
No | Course | CE |
1 | English Phonology | 3 |
2 | Academic Writing | 3 |
3 | Critical Approaches | 3 |
4 | Global Muslim Literature | 3 |
5 | ICT Literacy | 3 |
6 | English Morphology and Syntax | 3 |
Semester 5
No | Course | CE |
1 | Women's Literature of The Ummah | 4 |
2 | Translation Theories | 4 |
3 | Creative Writing | 3 |
4 | Arabic Language | 3 |
5 | Drama* | 3 |
6 | Introduction to Cinema* | 3 |
7 | Islamic Literary Criticism* | 3 |
8 | English Semantics | 3 |
Semester 6
No | Course | CE |
1 | Research Methodology | 4 |
2 | Informative Text Translation | 4 |
3 | Postcolonial Studies | 4 |
4 | Culture Studies | 3 |
5 | Pragmatics* | 3 |
6 | Discouse Analysis* | 3 |
7 | Semiotics* | 3 |
Semester 7
No | Course | CE |
1 | Research Proposal Writing | 3 |
2 | Literary Translation | 3 |
3 | Contemporary Literature | 3 |
4 | Sociolinguistics | 3 |
5 | Editing Theories and Practices | 3 |
6 | Machine Translation* | 3 |
7 | TEFL* | 3 |
8 | Persuasive Public Speaking* | 3 |
Semester 8
No | Course | CE |
1 | Final Assignment | 6 |
2 | Community Service | 4 |

Academic Achievement
Kessya Yulizar6th place in OASE 2023 English Debate
Hashifah SyakirahStudent Exchange to SUNY Buffalo State University, USA
Aurora Nurhidayah Rifani"COVID-19 and Online Fundraising: Seeing the Pandemic on Social Media"
Maidhotul Kaifa Novikasandra"Feminism in Enola Holmes Film: A Semiotic Lens
Ghea Regita Budiantari, Nihayatun Ni'mah, Muhammad Rizky Farezi"My body is not mine": Woman Oppression Portrayed in Layla Al-Ammar's The Pact We Made"
Renidia Audinia Siva"Unraveling Milk and Honey: Women's Voice, Patriarchy, and Sexuality"
Muhammad Raihansyah Putratama"Prison and Freedom in Nadia Hasimi's A House Without Windows"
Hendrio Putra Julian, Hilman Syauqiy Fauza Al Hakim, Muhammad Guntur Wiralaksana"Patriarchal Ideology, Andrew Tate, and Rumble's Podcasts"
Syafrilla Kurniasi"Masculinity in the Character of Sally and Jo in the Film Misbehaviour"
Farhan Razzak Oktalianza, Novian Halim Pratama"Illocutionary Acts of Thomas Brag on Yes Tehory Channel on Youtube"
Diva Rizkia Nuralisa, Tinezia Putri Khairana, Annisa Nir Chaliza, Azahra Dea Adrian, Adinda Angel Aulia D.P."Migration Experiences of a Young Arab Muslim Woman in the West from a Contemporary Young Adult Literature"
Yulya Era Pratiwi, Qotrunnada Salsabila, Siti Uswatun Khasanah"The Beauty Commodification on Instagram Community Accounf of University Student in Indonesia"
Tsaniah Yaumil Rohmah, Rahma Diva Lestari, Fatimah Azzahra"Identity Construction of the New Face of Social Justice Warrior on Indonesia Twitter Users"
Non-Academic Achievements
Fatimah Az Zahra
Participants of the National Community Service Program (KKN)
1st Place Best Project Idea Youth Climate Action Camp (YCAC) 2022
M. Rafly Ryunanda1st place Syah Nurjati Futsal Championship between PTKIN in Java-Bali
M. Guntur Wiralaksana
1st Place Short Story Writing Competition di HUDEC's Online National English Competition "Halloween Bash 6.0", Universitas Jendral Sudirman
1st Place Short Story Writing Competition, PEC Universitas Padjadjaran
Dita Putri Nabila1st Place English Speech Contest 'Gebyar Nawawi', 2023
Suci Jumiati Islami1st Place Depok City's Miss Genre Ambassador, 2022
Syauqi Musyaffa Masnu1st place in Jambi University Calligraphy Competition, 2020
Azahra Syifa Mulyana
Publishing short stories "Hujan" dan "Among Us(Di Antara Kita), Airiz Publishing 2020
3rd place in Ellunar 2022 Writing Festival Novel Category
Haliza Azzahra2nd place in Jakarta State University Hand Lettering Competition 2020
Admission Criteria
As part of UIN Jakarta, FAH organises new student admissions through the university's admission system for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. In this admission system, FAH provides equal opportunities to all prospective students in Indonesia and abroad to become FAH students. Prospective students come from pesantren, MA, SMA, and SMK. FAH, in this case, UIN Jakarta, selects all prospective students with academic potential.
The following are some of the admission for FAH local students:
- National Selection (SNMPTN), organised by the LTMPT of the Kemendikbud, which selects the students based on student academic transcript and achievements.
- Performance-based Recruitment (SPAN-PTKIN), organised by the Kemenag, which selects the students based on student academic transcript and achievements.
- Inter-universities Recruitment (SBMPTN), organised by the Education Testing Management Centre of the Ministry of Research and Technology, which applies the Computer-Based Test (UTBK).
- State Islamic Universities Admission Examination (UM-PTKIN), organised by the Kemenag, which uses the Electronic Selection System (SSE).
- Independent Student Selection (SMM), organised by SMM PTN-BARAT, which applies the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK).
- Local Recruitment (SPMB-Mandiri), organised by UIN Jakarta, which utilises the Electronic Selection System (SSE).
Figure. 2.4.1. The Admission Student
UIN Jakarta offers six programs for undergraduate admissions:
- Regular: This program is open to all prospective students who meet the minimum Students must register and take the UIN Jakarta admission exam
- Achievement: This program is intended for students who have non-academic achievements in the fields of sports, arts, reciter/qari'ah, tahfidz al-Qur'an/Qira'atul Kutub. Students must submit their academic transcript and documentation of their achievements.
- Talent Scouting (School Cooperation): This program is limited to schools that have submitted and established cooperation with UIN The selection process is based on the academic achievement of students in their respective schools.
- Equality of Learning Opportunities: This program is based on the academic grades of report cards for prospective students who come from areas classified as underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost areas, as well as minorities.
- BLU Scholarship: This program is for BLU scholarship recipients of UIN Jakarta in 4 specified Study Programs and scholarship cooperation with other
- International Students: This program is intended for prospective international students through bilateral cooperation between the Indonesian government and other countries, or through non-bilateral cooperation programs. Candidates will take a written exam held at UIN Jakarta
The following is a link for new student admissions to SPMB UIN Jakarta
Every year, the number of students interested in studying at FAH tends to increase. As mentioned in point 1, the UIN Jakarta committee directly coordinates each study program's registration rather than opening it independently. In the selection process of prospective students, UIN Jakarta does not discriminate against the ethnicity, religion, race, or background of prospective students. Although the majority of UIN Jakarta students are Muslim, there are also non-Muslim students studying at UIN Jakarta, including FAH.
Prospective students from all over Indonesia follow the entrance selection without distinguishing gender, religion, race, ethnicity, social position, or level of economic ability. The selection process has fair, transparent, non-discriminatory, credible, efficient, and accountable principles. These principles are realised in several ways—first, fairness. Admissions selection provides equal opportunities for all prospective students to choose study programmes according to their interests and talents. The selection process also uses an objective, standardised scoring system to assess test results. Second, it is transparent. Admission selection provides complete and precise information about the requirements, registration procedures, schedule of activities, registration fees, study programme options, announcement procedures, and dispute resolution mechanisms. This information can be accessed through the official website. Third, non- discriminatory. Admission selection does not limit enrollment based on school origin, educational background, or previous academic achievements. The selection process also provides unique facilities for participants with special needs, such as those who are visually, hearing, or speech impaired. Fourth, credible: the admission selection uses a CBT with a security system and strict supervision. The selection process also cooperates with independent institutions to conduct quality audits and evaluations of the exam implementation. Fifth, efficient. Admission selection optimises information technology to simplify the processes of registration, payment, delivery of test participant cards, conducting exams, processing test result data, and announcing graduation. Sixth, accountable: admission selection is responsible for implementing the exam under quality standards and procurement ethics. The selection process also provides a protest resolution mechanism for participants who feel aggrieved or dissatisfied with the exam results.
The newly admitted students are required to participate in an induction programme called PBAK at university, faculty and study programme levels; introducing campus life as well as the academic and student culture. The 30 hours induction programme consists of information about the faculty, study programmes, and faculty members. Additional programmes also include students’ code of conduct, and religious moderation. Religious moderation is a shared commitment to maintain a balance where every member of society, regardless of tribe, ethnicity, religion, and political choices must be willing to respect each other, and learn to train themselves in managing and overcoming differences between them.
Decision-making system and consistency of Admission
The passing grade for entering a study program at FAH is determined by the Rector's Decree number 434 of 2022. Students must pass or score competencies above the specified limit in the following areas: Religious Education, Indonesian Language, English, Academic Potential, Mathematics, and Social Sciences. The following table shows the distribution of competencies for each study program at FAH.
Table. 2.4.1. Distribution of Competencies in Admission
Table 2.4.1. Distribution of Competencies in Admission displays the competency distribution scores used in the admission process for each study program within the FAH. Each program evaluates applicants across six areas: RE, Indonesian Language, English, Academic Potential, Mathematics, and Social Science, with a total score of 100 points. All programs allocate 20 points for RE and 15 points each for Indonesian Language, English, and Academic Potential. Differences arise in Mathematics and Social Science; for example, IHCi allocates 20 points for Mathematics and 15 for Social Science, while EL emphasizes English with 30 points but only allocates 10 points to Mathematics. This distribution reflects the specific emphasis each program places on certain competencies based on its academic focus.
The following table shows the number of applicants, admitted students, and selectivity for each study program at FAH:
Table. 2.4.2 FAH New Student Admission Rate in 2022
Table 2.4.2 FAH New Student Admission Rate in 2022 provides an overview of the number of applicants, admitted students, and the admission ratio for each study program within the FAH in 2022. The ALL program received the highest number of applicants with 3,898, admitting 140 students, resulting in a competitive ratio of 1:28. The IHCi program followed with 2,006 applicants and the same number of admitted students, yielding a 1:14 ratio. The LS program had 1,539 applicants with a 1:11 ratio, while EL received 1,815 applicants with a 1:13 ratio. The TRA program had 296 applicants and admitted 105 students, resulting in a 1:3 ratio. The IHCu program had the fewest applicants, with 48, and admitted 14 students, making the admission ratio 1:4. These ratios reflect the selectivity and demand for each program, with ALL being the most competitive.