Academic Integrity Education Training at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Batch 3

CSRC Director, Idris Hemay, M.SI said that academic integrity is one of the important foundations in academic education. The main foundation of the academic world is honesty and ethics in being an academic as well as in accessing information, both online and offline. One of the problems that often occurs among students is plagiarism, which is copying other people's work without giving recognition,
"Many students do not understand about correct paraphrasing. This is often caused by personal pressure, environmental pressure, and pressure from institutions. Plagiarism not only harms the individual who commits it, but also undermines trust in the academic community as a whole."
The Vice Rector for Cooperation of UIN Jakarta, Mr. Din Wahid M.A., Ph.D. also attended this event. Mr. Din Wahid said that without intention or awareness from individuals, there will always be attempts to find loopholes in the system,
"It is best to instill in ourselves that plagiarism is the biggest sin in academic education. It is important to practice and teach friends how to write correctly."
He also welcomed efforts to instill integrity among students, "You will be our leaders and successors at various levels and fields. Honesty is very important," he said.
The event was divided into 3 sessions, which in the first session was opened with introductions, learning contracts and Pre-Tests by Haula Sofiana, M.Psi, as the Program Coordinator. Followed by Introduction and Training Orientation from FAH Lecturer of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Mr. Irfan Abubakar, MA.
After that, the session continued to discuss the material "Basic Concepts of Academic Integrity and Plagiarism" guided by Dr. Suryani, M.Si as a trainer. Session 2 was "The Impact and Sanctions of Plagiarism" by Dr. Suryani, M.Si, and in Session 3, the delivery of material by Luthfi Hasanal Bolqiah, S.Sos., M.I.P. with the theme "Tips for Scientific Writing".
(Hilya Maylaffayza, S.IP./ Siti Alifia/ Putri Yasmi Azzahrah dan Tsalis)