The Faculty of Adab was established in 1957 with two undergraduate programmes: ALL and IHCi. In 2002, the faculty transformed into the Faculty Adab and Humanities with three undergraduate programmes related to the humanities; TRA, LS, and EL and two other master’s programmes followed in 2012: IHCu and MALL. All study programmes have been nationally accredited by BAN- PT. IHCu, however, has been acknowledged by AUN-QA in 2016 assessment.

Some prominent Indonesian Muslim intellectuals graduated from the faculty; Azyumardi Azra, Nurcholis Madjid, Fachry Ali, Oman Fathurahman, with their inclusive Islam works “The Mazhab Ciputat” (Ciputat School), are traceable widely inside and out of the nation.

The faculty also coordinated with international professors, universities, initiatives, embassies and individuals to share and exchange expertise, best practices, policies and experience in webinars and international conferences.

Vision of FAH

 FAH UIN Jakarta aspires to be a research faculty that excels in the field of humanities based on the integration of knowledge, Islamic values, and Indonesian perspective.

Mission of FAH

  1. To organise creative and innovative education based on knowledge, Islam, and Indonesian
  2. To create excellent research that contributes to scientific development, social transformation, and the nation's
  3. To organise community engagement that meets the needs of society in the field of
  4. To establish institutional network and higher education governance in a professional, accountable, and transparent organisational culture.