Ida Rosida: Navigating Hijab and Cultural Identity, A Paper Presentation in Muslim English Literature International Conference
Ida Rosida: Navigating Hijab and Cultural Identity, A Paper Presentation in Muslim English Literature International Conference

Ciputat, (15/6/2023). The Muslim English Literature International Conference witnessed an engaging presentation by Yasmin Nursabilillah Putri and Ida Rosida on their thought-provoking paper titled "Hijab: Religion, Culture, and Identity." Yasmin and Ida were in collaboration in writing the paper. It delved into an analysis of the character Amira, portrayed in the movie "Amira and Sam" (2014), and highlighted the multifaceted dimensions of hijab within the Muslim identity. Yasmin and Ida’s presentation shed light on the significance of hijab as an expression of religious devotion, cultural heritage, and personal identity in contemporary society.

Yasmin and Ida were presenting the paper

Yasmin and Ida present the paper collaboratively on Thursday, 15th June 2023 at the International Conference on Muslim English Literature. This event, invited scholars, experts, and participants from various countries. The event was conducted online (Zoom conference meeting) and was hosted by the English Literature Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This conference provided a platform to explore the diverse facets of Muslim English Literature and fostered meaningful discussions on various themes and subthemes.

Yasmin and Ida presented the paper in MEL International Conference

Within the article, Yasmin and Ida focused on the portrayal of a Muslim woman named Amira in the film Amira and Sam (2014). Amira, the main character, wears a headscarf, but she combines it with a short-sleeved shirt, revealing the intimate part of her body. Other female characters in the film criticize Amira for her clothing choices, as her attire exposes her chest. Amira responds defiantly, telling them to mind their own business. She wears a hijab along with a provocative dress that exposes her chest and legs. Some individuals question whether her hijab is imposed upon her. The study aims to illustrate that Amira's appearance and behavior represent her struggle to construct her identity. As an Iraqi woman, Amira grapples with reconciling her traditional values with her desire for personal freedom and self-expression.

In the presentation, Yasmin and Ida used Hall's concept of cultural identity to examine the issues in the film. Stuart Hall's theory views cultural identities as fluid and shaped by social, historical, and cultural contexts. The application of Hall's perspective to Amira's character provides a dynamic framework to understand hijab, cultural identity, and societal context. By employing Hall's perspective, Yasmin and Ida emphasized the importance of cultural understanding and inclusivity, challenging stereotypes, and promoting diverse representations. Through nuanced portrayals like Amira's, society can foster dialogue, bridge cultural divides, and cultivate mutual respect and acceptance.

Yasmin and Ida in Parrarel Session with other presenters from Iran, India, UK, and Indonesia
Ida in a discussion with moderator (Pita Merdeka), presenter Syed Umra Shah and Sajda Khalid, from India

Using Hall's perspective, Both Yasmin and Ida emphasized that cultural identity is a dynamic process involving negotiation and hybridity. In the context of Amira's character, her portrayal reveals the nuanced negotiation of cultural identity through her engagement with diverse cultures and individuals, challenging stereotypes and showcasing the complexities of Muslim identity. Amira's character illustrates the fluidity of cultural identity, as she navigates between her Muslim heritage and the multicultural society she inhabits, blending elements of both to construct her unique identity.

Their paper Hijab: Religion, Culture, and Identity at the Muslim English Literature Conference provided valuable insights into the portrayal of Amira's character in the film Amira and Sam (2014). The presentation underscored the multi-faceted nature of the hijab, exploring its religious, cultural, and personal dimensions. By highlighting the significance of hijab as an expression of faith, cultural heritage, and individual identity, Rosida's work contributed to a broader understanding of hijab's role in contemporary society. The presentation challenged stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding hijab, emphasizing the importance of promoting inclusivity and fostering dialogue to bridge cultural divides.

Ida Rosida, the lecturer of the English Literature Department, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has great enthusiasm to invite and involve students in collaborative research, in presenting their papers both in national and international conferences and in publications. This raises students’ academic achievement in English Literature.

Yasmin and Ida after presenting the paper

Kontributor: Gina Adisty Maharani

Editor: Faizal Arifin