Jakarta, 3 March 2021 – English Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta delegated some of its lecturers to participate in the curriculum workshop entitled
“Kurikulum Menuju Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” held by ESAI (English Studies Association in Indonesia). Today’s agenda was the pre-workshop. The workshop itself will be held on 17 February -2 March 2021. In the pre-workshop, the committee discussed the preparation to conduct the curriculum survey. MBKM (
Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) curriculum requires the curriculum to be designed based on OBE (Outcome Based Education) and KKNI (
Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia). Dr. Lili Awaludin as the committee representation of ESAI stated that the department should develop the curriculum based on the user (society) demand and the learning outcome. The term of society or stakeholders includes government, user, students, alumni, and association. The committee also proposed some methods to conduct the survey such as by interview (in person or FGD) and by written/questionnaire. Both methods have benefits and costs. If the survey is conducted with an interview method, the interviewer should not be a lecturer to avoid respondent bias. FGD can be arranged based on categories (students, alumni, and users). If the survey is conducted by questionnaire, it can utilize the online platform such as google form, surveyplanet, surveymonkey, etc).

Karlina Denistia, Ph.D., the researcher from UGM shared what should be prepared in conducting the written survey. She said that the most important thing was constructing the survey questions. She suggested using the description to give a brief explanation about the survey; making the easy-to-answer question, and being clear for questions with potential subjective definition. She also encouraged the surveyor to review the question before blasting it to the respondent. She emphasized that the words and terms in the questions are clear; the response categories are adequate; the format and layout are easy to follow; language is culturally appropriate; the flow of questions is logical; the length of time to complete is reasonable.

The respondents of the survey are the students who are at least in the fifth semester and alumni who had been taught with the evaluated curriculum. The survey content should meet the requirements of KKNI and OBE curriculum standards. It consists of competency/ employment field, knowledge, soft skills, and hard skills. These components will summarize the graduate profile and Department CPL (
Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan). The survey result from the whole English department in Indonesia will be compiled by ESAI and will be presented in ESAI Congress 2021. In the last session of the pre-workshop, the committee announced the agenda for the first-day workshop on 17 March 2021 was the presentation by each department. The department will present its graduate profile, CPL in terms of knowledge, CPL in terms of soft skills, and CPL in terms of hard skills. (*TH)